Who will run in 2020?

This poll is legit imo because it caters to my bias.

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Not sure if this has been posted but JFC: Faithless elector: A court ruling just changed how we pick our president

It hasnā€™t been much of an issue in American political history because when an elector refuses to follow the results of a stateā€™s popular vote, the state simply throws the ballot away. But Tuesdayā€™s ruling says states cannot do that.

The decision, from a three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, is a victory for Micheal Baca, a Colorado Democratic elector in 2016. Under state law, he was required to cast his ballot for Hillary Clinton, who won the stateā€™s popular vote. Instead, he crossed out her name and wrote in John Kasich, a Republican and then the governor of Ohio.

The secretary of state removed Baca as an elector, discarded his vote and brought in another elector who voted for Clinton. In a 2-1 decision, the appeals court said the nullification of Bacaā€™s vote was unconstitutional.

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So, now, in close electoral college scenarios, we have to worry about faithless electors who could swing an election (either directly by switching candidates, or indirectly by voting third party)? Gjge by all the amateur historians who spent November 2016 raising awareness about this process via FB posts andā€¦

I think the writers know the show is headed for cancellation, so theyā€™re really going to pull out all the stops. Contested convention decided by superdelegates, recounts, a race determined by Congressional district apportionment in NE. faithless electors, itā€™s all on the tableā€¦


Inslee announced he is out on Rachel a few minutes ago.

:relieved: Just came to post thatā€¦ Heā€™s off to Washington to decide his next move, but looks like he wants to help push climate change issues with another candidate.

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I came here to post it too. I thought about racing to do it, but decided to listen to his whole segment.

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If Trump lost the GOP primary I would be sooooo salty. Like at least as salty as he would be.

I assume this is good, bad good in the long run as Iā€™m sure many of his followers would goto Trump TV with him to bark at the Senate + the non believers in trumpism.

Trump TV will just be a higher production valued version of the Alex Jones show. It might get viewers, but no one will even bother reporting on it.


Hmm, he was not who I would have guessed to be the next one out.

He had some good stuff on climate.

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I think the opinion side of Fox News probably moves over there actually. The Murdochā€™s very likely are partners not competitors on Trump TV. Itā€™s where theyā€™ll send the Fox News people who get too spicy for the normal sponsors basically.


Governor is a pretty demanding job. Inslee couldnā€™t justify half-assing it if he doesnā€™t have a decent shot.

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Yeah thisā€¦ Tucker and Co would have no choice but to move imo if T loses the primary

Iā€™m skeptical a huge amount of people (3 mil a day, however that counts as huge) will have interest in Trump anymore once heā€™s lost the bully pulpit.

He canā€™t get on the third debate stage, and thatā€™s the only reason heā€™s in. He did his job when he finished second in the 2nd debate on his night. Heā€™s also a viable VP for both Harris and Warren.