Who will run in 2020?

That’s fair, the optimal solution would be for Rogan to simply have fewer dorks on the show, or if he wants to have dorks for clicks always have a counter-dork present at least. While still pretty bad, that show he had with twitter founder & twitter pr person vs. that beanie hat shadow ban dork was decent.

Rogan sucks. Rogan giving Alex Jones a platform implies he’s a serious person worth listening to. Fuck Rogan.


Rogan is dumbass who gives a platform to the worst people on Earth. Turn him off. Fuck Bill Maher, too, while we’re at it.


I agree that Rogan sucks. At the same time I don’t think it’s reasonable to get too judgemental at political candidates for going where they can get a longform interview with a huge audience that will listen to the whole thing.

I stopped listening to Rogan during the last election (presidential). I liked his other topics but he didn’t know basic facts about simple government processes and was just annoying af during podcasts where he got derailed by politics. I have only listened to Bernie and one other since.

I love reading all the hate Rogan gets on here.

It’s pretty well deserved for Jordan Peterson and Alex Jones being given that huge megaphone. Some good comes from JRE, but it’s hard to argue that it’s all good or that the good/bad parts are anything but accidental.

I like his talk about fighting, comedy, drugs, and pretty much anything else along with his stand up but politics is not his strong suit.

•A Politico/Morning Consult poll has found Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders as the only candidates beating Trump in 2020. Biden leads Trump by 7% in the survey, with Sanders 5% ahead. Elizabeth Warren was tied with Trump, with most other Democrats trailing. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2%.

I think Bernie made a solid point in that Rogan show: even if he’s elected, it will be largely up to the people to get things done. He mentioned how his role will be that of an activist organizer - he’ll use the podium to get large numbers of people to apply pressure wherever it’s needed. He won’t just be like, “Oh well, I asked the GOP for M4A and they said no, sorry America.”

I hope Warren intends to make use of the bully pulpit as well. We really do need a small revolution.


Warren already has a much better track record of getting things done than Bernie… so it’s safe to say that she’ll be able to get whatever Bernie could get done done + more.

Honestly Bernie not wanting to get rid of the filibuster is a sign that he’s not serious about accomplishing anything at all.

Has any candidate said “if I win I’m throwing out the filibuster” exactly?

Bullock, Inslee, Messam, Moulton, and Warren all officially for killing it. Warrens position on the filibuster is basically ‘kill it with fire’. The rest are squishier, but Yang keeps saying all he needs to get UBI done is 51 votes in the Senate so that’s basically a statement in support of getting rid of the filibuster.

Is POTUS in charge of whether or not there’s a filibuster?


That’s great to hear.

This is another reason why Bullock needs to run in Montana.

These are the takes that I find especially humorous.

Couldn’t it also mean that a UBI could be done through the budget reconciliation process, so you wouldn’t need to eliminate the filibuster in order to pass?

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You might be right but I just found the part on Yang’s campaign website explicitly calling for ending the filibuster. The article I was reading about candidates positions on the matter didn’t capture Yang accurately, which does not exactly shock me.


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