Who will run in 2020?

yeah i don’t want to watch joe rogan unless i absolutely have to


Spoiler: he asks her zero questions about Putin or Assad

Yeah that was great stuff.

If a candidate is willing to appear on the Joe Rogan show, that’s pretty close to a hard litmus test for me. idk if Warren has been on or not. Will be disappointed if she has.


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Bernie was also on, as was Yang. I don’t care so much about Joe Rogan as the fact that the candidates have an opportunity to express their views for longer than a sound bite.

Also, a pro tip for watching longer non-music videos (most probably know this already): watch at 1.5x speed or greater. Same info for far less time commitment.


Read this week’s Atlantic article. It’s a pretty big outlet and a great way to reach young men.

Assuming this move trump is doing redirecting money from defense to steel slats holds up in court, how cool would it be if biden redirected pentagon money to cancer research?

Or would he ask mitch, get shot down, refuse to kill the filibuster, and call it a day?

  • Biden might try to fund research to cure cancer
  • Biden will fail and give up immediately
  • Biden will get strung along negotiating with 5 or 6 Republicans for 2 years then dems lose in 2022 and it’s over

0 voters

Not voting on a hyphothetical about a guy who won’t even be the nom (please please please).

Spoiler: biden DOES redirect Pentagon money to NIH but the supreme court strikes it down, reasoning that cancer isn’t a threat to privately owned businesses


Old white guys run big businesses. Old people get cancer. Therefore the SC upholds it.

Saw this article earlier today, and I think the poll looked very very suspect.

uggggghhhh whyyy

Seriously. Phone polls suck. It says landlines and cell phones, but who the hell answers weird numbers when they call on your cell? wait…who the hell even answers their cell?

Text these polls out, then you might get a better sample.

It’s all about figuring out the proper weights to correct for biases. Phone polls are probably still more accurate than other polls, but are becoming too expensive.

Nothing wrong with going on Joe Rogan in the slightest imo. It’s not a propaganda show.

I think there’s definitely some overlap of people who cry about ‘purity testing’ when someone says they are pretty insistent on some policy like M4A or not voting for the Iraq War, but think going on Joe Rogan is disqualifying.

It cuts both ways though, like the fact that Joe Rogan has on intellectual dark web types is not unrelated to the fact that he had on Bernie and let him talk for like an hour and gave him a fair hearing. A friend of mine who is sort of libertarian-adjacent and susceptible to the intellectual dark web types listened to Bernie on Rogan and commented “he’s a good guy” which is about as much praise as you could expect out of him.

The reason you don’t go on shows like Tucker Carlson is because they have an agenda and if they’re having you on, it’s because they think that’s serving their agenda. Rogan doesn’t have an agenda, aside from encouraging the more widespread consumption of DMT. It’d just be stupid and self-sabotaging to turn down the opportunity to speak to his audience.


The problem is net-wise I’m guessing that the number of people who are influenced for the better when a guest like Bernie comes in is a lot smaller than the number of people whose dork web ideas are reinforced/validated much more often, often by Rogan himself. It’s not Tucker’s agenda but the negative effect is similar and reaches younger/more impressionable people.

Joe Rogan having Jordan Peterson was worth it for this:

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What matters is whether Bernie going on there creates more new Bernie fans or more new Rogan fans and I think that’s going to be option A ainec. Whether Rogan himself is a bad cultural influence is a bit beside the point, he will continue to exist whether Bernie is on there or not. I don’t think Rogan is (even close) to bad enough to get to the point where you simply don’t associate with him because he’s beyond the pale.