Who will run in 2020?

Tulsi is definitely hot, but the only way I ever vote for her is in a general vs Trump, and that’s with an, “eh waaf anyway” on my way to the voting booth.

For the impeachment thing it’s an optics thing. If you’re running for President as a Democrat, you pretty much need to be there unless you’re Joe Biden (can’t think of what he thinks of it), but every other candidate is for it of anyone with a legit chance or who is in an a current elected position (minus maybe Bennet).

It comes across extremely bad for her to have the power to do something about this, and she’s like ‘nothing to see here folks move along’. This is a Constitutional duty thing. If she feels he did nothing wrong (this seems to be her stance), then I don’t want anything to do with her. She’s a member of the military and is abdicating her duty if she does feel he did something wrong. I feel pretty strongly that it’s the former, because of her stupid ‘no collusion’ tweet.

Is the demo of her district very military? I think she will probably face a very strong primary challenger this time around, because she totally seems off. There are lots of GOP members who aren’t atrocious on the environment, and a sure way for her to not get elected in Hawaii is to not have that as one of her main issues. I feel like a lot of people just aren’t exposed to the real her. Her whole life is a walking paradox, and it’s impossible to tell what she really believes about anything because of that.

The fact that she’s been so malleable over time and decided that she wants to run for president at 37 while her views are still apparently shaping (she still has lots of bad ones) is really disturbing to me.

Hawaii only has two congressional districts. District 1 is most of downtown Honolulu. Her district is everything else. Not particularly skewed towards military personnel, but the military is a pretty noticable presence in HI politics because of the number of bases, the impact of training exercises, and the amount of $ it drives into the economy. It’s a D +19. She outperformed Hillary in 2016 in her district and I’d have to double check, but I think she outperformed Obama too. That doesn’t mean she won’t get a challenger, especially if she did something that was perceived as very spoilery in this race, but she’s pretty darn safe atm.

Meme break!


who the fuck is choosing Tom Steyer in these polls?

People who like impeachment probably. He’s sending out a lot of mailers, and he’s probably the only doing that at this stage. I’ve probably received at least 7 since he announced.

It seems so easy to find someone better, and I can’t imagine how she is on the national stage is inspiring a lot of confidence for people. She’s still largely irrelevant in the race, so it might not affect her much. I guess we’ll see.

Centrist, corporate-friendly Dems, always the WOAT.

Pretty amazing to me she’s so entrenched there especially considering that Hawaii has arguably the two best Senators of all the states.

I honestly dislike any talk about Tulsi being pro Russia because she’s an isolationist. I’m an isolationist. I don’t actually care if that’s good for Putin because I’m absolutely dead certain it would be good for the US and good for the world at large.

We’ve all been giving a bunch of credit to the US military for keeping the peace between the major powers, but IRL it’s always been the nukes. Those aren’t going to go away if we pull out. It makes zero sense for us to be funding the defense of Europe from Russia or the defense of Southeast Asia from China. It’s not like Germany, Japan, and South Korea are poor and defenseless.

Saying something is good for Putin so we can’t do it is bad logic IMO. We’re spending an absurd amount of money on the military and if I could graft Tulsi’s military policy onto most of the other candidates I probably would.

She’s pro-Russia because she stated they didn’t interfere during the Mueller probe (or something similar that massively downplayed what Russia did). Then, when the Mueller report came out, she said it said ‘no collusion’. During the debate she used the code of ‘we must stop this Cold War’. Who do you think she was referring to when she said that? Could it be…Russia? I’ll let you choose which one works better for you:

a) She’s pro-Russian
b) She’s a pro-Trump fake Democrat

Either way, she can’t be trusted. Her rhetoric on Trump during the debates was pretty damn similar to GOP talking points on his racism.

Yeah it’s fine for Tulsi to say like “Putin is a shitbag but that’s not a reason for our military to get involved” or “Assad attacked civilians, but our job isn’t to be world police” - but instead she actively participates in their propaganda, and usually goes on Fox News to do so.

Fair enough. I hadn’t bothered to really educate myself on her at all, and honestly when I see/hear her name I kind of tune it out.

I mean I think her pro-Assad comments even before all of that should be enough for everyone realize Tulsi is AIDS.


There is so much, you can really pick where she’s bad. She’s usually been bad on something somewhere.

Correct, she flatly refuses to criticize the most brutal dictator in the Middle East, ever. Fuck her

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I read his twin brother’s biography. Really hoping he wins this one; seems like a decent guy. Here’s Scott Kelly playing video games and talking about spaceflight and stuff.

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Imo, she benefitted a lot from timing. There was a huge generational log jam in Hawaii politics. You have to remember that, including Hirono and Schatz, there have only been a total of 7 US senators in all of Hawaiian history, mainly because Sens Inouye and Akaka stayed in office for quite a while, so the whole system is kinda ossified. When both of those Senate seats came open around the same time, Schatz and Hirono went to the Senate, and there was a big scramble to grab Hirono’s House seat (hence the reason why a bunch of candidates ran against Gabbard in her first election- every credible candidate took a shot). Once Gabbard won that election, she had vanquished most of the credible opponents and the natural effects of incumbency protected her a bit. Plus, like I said earlier, her politics aren’t crazy by Hawaii standards (especially on the stuff that matters there.)

She’s not invulnerable, just very well positioned at the moment.

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I posted this Tulsi interview with Joe Rogan a couple weeks ago, but since she’s become central to the current discussion, here it is again for anyone who wants to check it out.

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