Who will run in 2020?

Beto wins this battle of the bands.


Oof thatā€™s a strong disagree from me

Williamson is such a wild card that I donā€™t really know where her support would be coming from and who it would hurt. On first blush, I donā€™t see her appealing to the stereotypical Trump voter though. Seems more like the Susan Sarrandony, lefty, anti-Vaxxers would dig her vibe.

Tulsa could definitely peel off Dem voters. Just imagine a scenario where Biden is the nominee and Tulsi is running around calling him a warmonger, going on rants about neoliberalism and old school politics. She could absolutely hit him from the left. She could even stir up some subtle problems for Warren if she wants to by trolling her on indigenous issues by discussing going to Standing Rock, Tulsiā€™s own Samoan heritage, or dealing with the concerns of Native Hawaiians. Weā€™ve already seen her go after Kamala for being a prosecutor, specifically hypocracy wrt weed. All of these lines would seems to suppress the left wing of likely democratic party voters way more than Trump folks.

I think thatā€™s all correct, but I think turnout will be high and motivated and if someone like Tulsi tried to mess with the election sheā€™ll be tarred and feathered.

The strength of the nominee matters a lot here. I tend to view third party candidates pulling voters as a problem that tends to happen to weaker nominees who the base of the party doesnā€™t love. Iā€™m a lot more worried about Nader/Stein problems with Gore/Clinton than I am for Obama/Warren. Strong nominees simply do not care about third party candidates because they win with room to spare.

Right now Trump is drawing dead against at least half of the Democratic field. A pretty good spot to be. Letā€™s not waste too much time worrying about Gabbard/Williamson.

Iā€™ll start worrying about a third party problem when Biden wins Super Tuesday conclusively and not before. Right now itā€™s looking increasingly unlikely he makes it to Iowa. Heā€™s been taking really serious body blows pretty much since he decided to run (Like an idiot. He should have listened to Obama and not run.)

Name one person youā€™ve met in the wild who supports Tulsi

Iā€™ve seen some on FBā€¦ but every single one was a Trump supporter. Trump supporters looking to break Democrat seem to mostly break for Yang or Tulsi from what Iā€™ve seen.

Iā€™ve seen bros saying hot Tulsi is. Iā€™d assume thereā€™s some crowd that would elect her on looks alone.

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I lived in Hawaii for three years, so I have a lot of familiarity with Tulsi as well as people who have voted for her in multiple elections, so my takes on her are probably a little different than the national experience.

Nationally, I know a lot of people who have expressed affection for particular positions (mostly anti-war stuff, and her support for Bernie in the last election), but I donā€™t think sheā€™s their top choice in the primary. If she ran third party in a general, my guess is that they would spend several months whining about neoliberals on FB, but ultimately support the dem nominee.

The wingnut conspiratard Trump guys are a huge part of the Gabbard fan club afaict.


Iā€™m not really sure what I preferā€¦ One night with 10 candidates on the stage or two nights with six and five. I think six and five may be better - more airtime for the good candidates.

Then again, I donā€™t really want Steyer to get any traction.

Tulsiā€™s a fraud, though, do people in Hawaii think sheā€™s not? Sheā€™s the only Representative running for President whoā€™s not on the record in support of starting an official impeachment inquiry, said the Mueller report stated ā€˜no collusionā€™, and will probably be a bigger Putin ally than Trump. An isolationist with tons of views on foreign policy isnā€™t really an isolationist, so itā€™s another place where sheā€™s a fraud.

I canā€™t believe anyone from the left takes her seriously. Her dad switched from GOP to Democrat because he couldnā€™t win in Hawaii otherwise. She has a million pounds of toxicity in her background, and isnā€™t that far removed from it. She absolutely cannot be trusted.

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Someone needs to come out to this song:

One night would be better. Two nights wouldnā€™t give more airtime to the top tier candidates, it would give more time for the shitty candidates to pick fights with the frontrunners, with encouragement from the moderators of course.

Would much rather have 2 nights of 5 each than another giant clusterfuck where the hosts get to pick who talks again.


This. I also think we should put all of the top polling candidates on night 1 and the rest on night 2. Like top 6 night 1 and the rest on night 2.

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Whoā€™s running the third debate?

ABC News, along with Univision, to host third debate, to be held during the second week of September

Itā€™s on September 12th, btw.

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Sheā€™s received around 80% of the vote in the general election, and hasnā€™t had a serious primary challenge since her first campaign for Congress which was a big multi candidate affair, so, yeah, Iā€™d say sheā€™s taken pretty seriously. Now, obviously, just being a Dem in Hawaii means the general should be a cake walk, but she has done a good job of protecting her left flank with the anti war stuff (plays well to general doveishnes on the left and specifically to the tensions between the local population and the military industrial complex), good on the environment (a huge issue for progressive organizing in Hawaii) and Native Hawaiian cultural values type issues. As far as impeachment, most voters arenā€™t treating that as a voting issue. And as far as gay marriage, Iā€™m still pissed off about it, but most folks in Hawaii (even Dems) had to ā€œevolveā€ a lot on that issue, so they are willing to believe that she did too.

The bottom line is that Hawaii has some idiosyncratic politics and her positions work reasonably well there

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