Who will run in 2020?

Yeah this is the ‘don’t regulate us we’ll self regulate’ shuffle. We’ve all seen this movie before. Repeatedly. Good luck dropping this particular flare to stop Warren from giving half your board seats to employees.

I’m pretty sure that culture in corporations of giving top brass the goods has to come crashing down in the future one way or another. The wealth inequality problem if it is allowed to go further will eventually end up hurting these companies when the middle class starts shrinking or has to budget itself more effectively because money is tighter.

Yea, if I thought they were remotely sincere about this I would welcome it as a good thing. Sorry guys, pretending that you’re actually interested in societal welfare after all ain’t gonna save you from the guillotine this time around (metaphorically speaking, of course).

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Like I said up thread, I am so sick of this idea that people need to vote for who they think everyone else will vote for. That…defeats the purpose!

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yeah and btw, if you don’t vote for biden, worst case scenario is you end up with biden. it’s not like trump ends up the democratic candidate if one person doesn’t reach a majority


This is… a very good point. There’s actually not an argument to be made for voting for the worst case scenario.


Yeah, I have no idea why it’s hard for people to just vote for who they like in the primaries regardless of who they think others like, and then just suck it up for whoever gets the nom. If enough people like your favorite candidate that person gets the nom. Magic!

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I mean, when people vote for Biden because of the reasons his wife pointed out, the fear isn’t that Bernie, for example, wins the primary - it’s that Bernie then loses to Trump because of all of the hypothetical Biden supporters were offended by the fact that you voted for the person you liked better. So, better fall in line and not offend our grandmothers to save democracy.

People hate being on the losing side and feel like they wasted their effort if they cast a vote for someone who doesn’t win.

The Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem describes the situations in which tactical voting is possible.


But many people are saying Trump’s crowd was four, five, 50 times as big.

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That’s awesome news.


I assume this is accurate? If so, I’m happy for him. He’s shown well in the previous two debates. I don’t like his chances this time around, but I don’t mind him raising his profile for a later run.


I hope the 4th debate has a 5% 200k donor cutoff or above.

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Seems like a Gabbard/Williamson general campaign would steal a lot of Trump voters.

Gotta fight with the weapons you have.