Who will run in 2020?

someone with name recognition. according to the researcher interviewed in that article, name recognition is why so many biden #1 supporters are listing sanders #2.

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Biden/Sanders would be wild. Would almost like to see that just for all the GOP weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Whenever Biden starts to fall asleep, Bernie can yell at him.


Hopefully he won’t say ‘Are we in Burlington, Iowa or Vermont?’.

Conservatives wont like that because they only want to argue policy and dont like ad hominems.

This person gets it.

The article could use better editing. My cliffs: It’s the hyperpartisanship, stupid. Trumpers are going to come out. Dems better get their base to show too. I mean, I may not be the most astute observer, but election night 2016, as awvaal was declaring the great retakening, my instant analysis was “people didn’t vote”.

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Different reasons that people don’t vote. Assuming the dems don’t run a uniquely crappy candidate again, they’ll be fine - if their base can’t turn out against Trump, they need to go out of the political business. Additionally, whatever % of voters that somehow thought Trump would drain the swamp/wasn’t as bad as he seemed should be better informed. I hope.



Bernie/Biden would be like a Walter Matthau/Lack Lemon buddy comedy movie.

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That’s James Garner, not Matthau.

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That’s also not Lack Lemon


Ha. My favorite buddy movie is Midnight Run, with Deniro and Grodin (pretty sure it’s them anyway).


My favorite is Lethal Weapon with Carl Weathers/Smell Gibson.


John Delaney draws 11 people to 2020 event – does he truly think he can win?
Adam Gabbatt Adam Gabbatt
John Delaney has poured a staggering $24m of his own money into running for president. He has been campaigning for the White House for more than two years, and in that time has held more than 200 events in Iowa.

On one recent Thursday morning, these efforts translated into a grand total of 11 people coming out to see Delaney, at a campaign event in the small town of Algona, in the north of the state.

The former Maryland congressman, former businessman and formerly much wealthier candidate is one of a slew of long-shot candidates for the Democratic nomination. In a crowded, historically diverse field, Delaney is part of a group of white, middle-aged men who are forging ahead with their increasingly quixotic presidential campaigns in spite of a collective lack of support.

Delaney strode into Miller’s Sports Bar & Grill, one of a chain of bars across Iowa, just after 10am. One of his team had taped a couple of Delaney 2020 campaign posters to a wall in the back of the bar, and a sign-up list was on a table. The crowd, all silver haired apart from a thirtysomething man who walked in late, were sitting patiently at four different tables.

Warren at Native American forum: ‘I am sorry’
Senator Elizabeth Warren is among the presidential candidates speaking today at a forum on Native American issues.

She has admitted “mistakes” and said: “I am sorry for harm I have caused.”

Matt Viser
“Like anyone who’s been honest with themselves, I know I have made mistakes,” Elizabeth Warren tells a Native American forum in Iowa. “I am sorry for harm I have caused. I have listened, and I have learned. A lot.”

August 19, 2019

Wrong thread

This analysis is by the same data person who was the best predictor of the 2018 house elections. She’s a great follow if you’re into this sort of thing. Despite the title, it’s not just about Pete, it’s about all the candidates and why polling right now is basically just name recognition.


The more I see of John Delaney, the more I wonder how he ever got elected to Congress.


Top WaPo story: CEO group says maximizing shareholder profits can’t be main goal

Or in other words, CEO’s are shook that Elizabeth Warren will likely be President in 17 months and are scrambling to self regulate before it’s too late.

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