Who will run in 2020?

Lol he’s literally “Sleepy Joe.” Wonder if North Korea will do President Biden the courtesy of waiting for morning DC time to launch their nukes.


This Biden run is so annoying. Good god dude you aren’t the right person for the job.

Narcissism and delusion that ranks right up there with Trump’s. Get fucked Biden you are far from the savior we need and have been part of the problem for decades.

Based on betting markets, not polling yet. After following PredictIt through the 2016 and 2018 elections I don’t have any confidence that the people betting on politics know what they’re doing. Still a good sign obviously but I won’t be happy until she’s leading in the polls. I’m OK with Biden leading a while longer though. Let him take all the attacks until closer to elections. There will come a point where Warren starts peeling off the “most electable vs Trump” vote then it’s game over.


Who the fuck is leaking stuff like this? It’s not Trumpworld where everyone leaks everything, it is legit terrifying that people on the inside are telling the press that Biden has lost his marbles.

Could be Russians. They leak.

This is the Democratic Party moving on from Biden.

Nicole Wallace & Co were saying that his gaffes were nothing and peeps should not be bothered by them.

I’m sure Paul Ryan was saying something similar to that.

Strange world.

Yeah… Trump isn’t making gaffes when he acts like a racist asshole. He’s running as that. Biden isn’t running as that so they are pretty serious gaffes.

And yes I definitely am not in camp ‘give him the benefit of the doubt about what he meant about those black kids’. He’s old and a lot of his record isn’t great to begin with. It’s not that he’s a bad guy… he’s just a man of his times. And that time was the 70’s-80’s. I’m sure he was a great politician once.

You don’t need someone to leak this to know it’s true already. Maybe it’s Obama.

Nicolle Wallace is a ‘former’ GOP never Trumper who worked for and worshiped Dubya and his lackeys. They want Biden, that’s why they keep propping him up. I can’t imagine her holding her nose and voting for Warren no matter what she might tell people.

I think she’d vote for Warren if it comes down to it, I wonder more about the Bill Kristol types, eh, call me an optimist, I think he’d vote for her too.

I don’t know how Dubya types get from him to Warren. Biden’s easy, to them he’s like Dubya Lite. I’m sure they’d be fine voting for Harris, Booker, or Pete too. I’d love to be proven wrong, but she’s way too deep into old GOP politics for me to believe she won’t run right back when Trump’s done.

I don’t think she’s faking the revulsion, every day covering the dotard she looks like she’s on the verge of vomiting, given a a binary choice, a person with something resembling a conscience and patriotism will never vote for stable genius, and will do the right thing and vote for his [non-third party] opponent.

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Her choice of guests kind of refutes you. She loves having on like minded Republicans who don’t like Trump. I think she’ll be like an old school Independent. They were too embarrassed to say they were GOP, but wouldn’t ever vote for a Democrat in normal times. Only recently do I think a lot of independents were willing to crossover.

She’s one of the least annoying GOP people out there, kind of like what Gergen was during Dubya but she’s not trustworthy. I could live my whole life without ever hearing Bill Kristol or David Jolly ever speak again. Thanks Brian Williams.



So this is a positively horrible take: The One Thing Elizabeth Warren Needs to Do to Win - POLITICO Magazine

Like I’m genuinely confused what people are thinking career wise when they put out stuff like this. Like think harder before you click submit.

Seems like a centrist establishment guy based on a few selected things, so it shouldn’t be surprising. I didn’t read the article, because nah, not interested.

cliffs: dems are practically a lock to win 2020 but without trump they’ll probably get whalopped in 2022 so don’t run moderate dems and get shit passed in the short time you have

but if you do nominate biden, pick a very progressive vp to maximize turnout


Did it say who the VP should be?