Who will run in 2020?

Bernie, Liz and Yang. The two who will do the best explaining how the 1% profited massively off the last recession and recovery, leaving the rest of us out in the cold going into this recession… and the guy promising 1K/mo.

Warren imo. That’s her wheelhouse. It’s what propelled her into national politics in the first place.

trump. he’ll blame the democrats, and what are the democrats going to say? that it’s not their fault? that’s exactly what they would say if it WAS their fault, because they’re all liars!


lol, I was going to say Trump, because somehow he’ll be able to gaslight the country into thinking it was Obama’s fault somehow.

Also, i thought this thread might like to know that some people don’t like giant fair slides as much as others.

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Moar of this plz



I do wonder how much ~failing on a national stage will help/hurt guys like Hickenlooper or Beto. Will pretending to run for president and dropping out to run for Senate become a new norm going forward?

Well after that Biden +3 poll with Liz at 20 now we get a Biden +15 with liz at 10 (Bernie 16 in both)


Lol polls

I can imagine that financing and setting up a senate campaign operation with presidential campaign donations and volunteer work must be quite useful. The donor list alone should be worth something.

lol polls intensifies:

Now, I’m not a mathematician, but those numbers don’t add up.

She’s running



Cool very healthy democratic system where candidates spend this much time pandering to fucking Iowa.

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I never really been to that part of NE. That area looks beautiful.

Also, running is charitable. That is only one step above power walking lol.

Lazy ass 70 year olds.

this is a good way to provide oppo to the republicans. Jesus, Beto, diplomacy much?


Here, let me spin it for him:

Running for Senate would not be good enough for El Paso. We have to WIN the Senate seat.

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I don’t care if Sen. Elizabeth Warren is a mendacious Massachusetts liberal. She could tell me that she’s going to make me wear waffles as underpants and I’ll vote for her. I don’t care if Sen. Kamala Harris is an opportunistic California prosecutor who wants to relitigate busing. She could tell me that I have to drive to work in a go-cart covered with Barbie decals and I’ll vote for her. I don’t care if Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is a muddle-headed socialist from a rural class-warfare state (where I once lived as one of his constituents). He could tell me he’s going to tax used kitty litter and I’ll vote for him.

All of the policy “what about” hypotheticals from my conservative friends are diversions. They’re trying to move the argument to policy to blind us to the reality that President Donald Trump is both unstable and compromised.

As I have argued for well over two years, there is plenty of evidence that the president is compromised by our most dedicated enemy. Even before the Mueller report laid bare the degree to which the Trump campaign welcomed Russian help, it was obvious that Trump feared Russian President Vladimir Putin — not only because Putin knew how much Trump had lied to the American people during the campaign about his dealings with Russia, but also likely because Moscow holds Trump’s closest financial secrets after years of shady dealings with Russian oligarchs.

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Joe Biden finishing 4th in Iowa would be so incredible I might cry.

Great polls for Warren today, not only IA but WI strong too, just please give me some nice margins heads up vs. stable genius and we will be all set.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Warren is putting on a clinic. Seriously every politician should pay attention to the mechanics of what she’s doing. From the endless selfies to the steady stream of well thought out policy proposals it’s firing on all cylinders. Her staff is better and probably cheaper than her opponents as well. She’s getting what she pays for on her marketing spend as well.