Who will run in 2020?

More of this from Fox News, please. Not that winning over Trump voters should be a goal, but I feel like attention like this is actually a good thing for Bernie.

ā€œThat almost makes you wonder why the Democratic candidates have to spend six months pandering to them.ā€


The lib or centrist or E-Dems or whatever just want to be as liberal as possible on social issues, but indistinguishable from Mitt Romney otherwise. Their tent is big enough to allow the rich LGBT people in.


This is really it. Meanwhile the lower classes are pretty moderate socially and desperately need helpā€¦ which means this platform offers them exactly nothing. They donā€™t appreciate all the talk about white privilege eitherā€¦ And they arenā€™t wrong. The rich people being white doesnā€™t mean much to you if youā€™re poor and white.

I dunno I grew up really poor and white and I still think I had a ton of priviledge. From dealing with cops, teachers, job opportunities etc.

But youā€™re right it triggers the shit out of people who otherwise might be allies.

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Basically every person I hear regularly use the words ā€˜white privilegeā€™ grew up middle class+. They donā€™t want to acknowledge that 85% of their privilege comes not from their race (a big group) but from their class (a much smaller group).

The biggest privilege you get for being white is the option to make some mistakes and still be fine. Society fires zero warning shots at black kids and starts being super punitive toward them from elementary school on. White kids get more opportunity because of the absence of this kind of negative opportunity. Itā€™s important to note though that this is pretty much where the privilege stops for poor whites. They get stomped pretty hard after the second or third strike, and the positive opportunities pretty much never comeā€¦ and most of those that do are just opportunities to be lower middle class like driving a truck or working in a factory. You knowā€¦ the opportunities that are being automated out of existence as we speak.

White privilege is a mostly upper middle class thing, aside from all the times it benefits poor white people, in which case itā€™s barely even a privilege because it ā€œonlyā€ allows poor whites to become lower middle class.

Okie dokie.

Bernie and Warren may skip next debate



Yang out too



This is an unambiguously good thing that will certainly be spun as a bad thing by the media. And probably Biden/GOPete.





Figure it out, people.


There are plenty of black lower middle class people. The big thing is definitely how punitive society is. And to be clear itā€™s much more punitive. Teenage mistakes in particular are absolutely weaponized against black peopleā€¦ but poor white kids often donā€™t fade it either.

And last I checked there were plenty of black truck drivers and factory workers so those lower middle class opportunities definitely still exist for blacks who manage to fade the criminal justice system repeatedly trying to get them.

He knows heā€™s running for President, right? Whatā€™s his plan when he gets elected, only enact legislation that has universal support to make sure he doesnā€™t impose his will on anybody?

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Buttigieg on gun control: ā€œI would like to see it but Iā€™m not going to impose it on others.ā€
Buttigieg: ā€œI trust you to figure out your own guns.ā€

Iā€™m not a libertarian, so I reject this line of reason.

On a lighter note, letā€™sā€™ play presidential primary sheep. I promise to do my darnedest not to get banned before the votes are tallied.

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I wonder how many batteries Neera Tanden has gone through imagining crossing a picket line to hold a Dem debate

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Iā€™m thinking you are a libertarian and your whole shtick here is to portray Dems as Stalinists.

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I think itā€™s funny how in the article, Warrenā€™s tweet is first and she has the earlier timestamp, but in your post, you put Bernie first. I mean, youā€™re not wrong to do it that way, but it is interestingā€¦

The tweets are from the future

But you said I was ā€œmost open and conscious statist on the boardā€.

Iā€™ve been arguing with libertarians (and especially anarcho-capitalists) since the mid-90s and Iā€™ve embraced the statist label and worked towards developing a political philosophy that justifies big government. I may have a tendency to go overboard, but Iā€™m not going to be happy with any candidate who I think is enabling libertarian talking points. I consider the libertarian wing of the Republican Party to be much more corrosive to our society than the religious conservative wing.

Iā€™ve also suggested that you are a troll. Youā€™re either an actually honest mainstream Dem or trying to rub mainstream Demā€™s noses in the implications of their policies.