Who will run in 2020?

I think it’s a thing that something weird and meta is going on with Biden’s “electability”, where voters who pay attention probably do have doubts that he is the most electable, but then they assume that other people think he’s the most electable, so they then think he’s the most electable. The thing that concerns me is not that Warren’s or Harris’ number isn’t as high as Biden’s, it’s that the dotard’s floor goes up by 2-3% against them. I’m quite nervous if he holds a 44% polling floor against the dem nominee, his pre-election national pollilng floor in 2016 was 42.2%

Agreed. It’s a weird groupthink thing that happens. Everyone is answering polls based on who they think other people will vote for, rather than who they themselves want to vote for.

I know you’re not a Pete guy, but it’s where my anecdotal examples are. We’re just starting to get out on the streets for Pete, but the most common line I hear is “i love him, but I don’t know if America is ready for him, so I don’t know if I can vote for him.” Drives me batshit crazy.

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Sky pete is my 3rd choice ftr.

I hope I can still be thought of as a Pete guy, I think he’s great. I may yet put him as my second choice, although I’ve been flirting with the Bern as 2nd for a while now. He’s 2nd/3rd for me by a good bit, call me crazy but I might rank Inslee over Harris for 4th. The problem for Pete isn’t wishy-washy clowns like me though, and it’s not exactly that America isn’t ready for him; he’s just facing an uphill battle gaining minority support, I don’t know how he overcomes it.

I’ll take this if you want my action. I pay you $220 if Warren or Bernie are the nom, you pay me $200 if anyone else? I’m pulling for Warren but I don’t think Bernie adds any equity so I’d be taking the bet for odds + as a life hedge

Booked. Gl.

I think Warren learned from how the filibuster was used to harm the CFPB.


I’d snap take Inslee over Harris.

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Can’t figure out how to upload chapo pics without uploading tits but fwiw the youth movement will surprise in early states :grin:

But the media won’t give Joe a total pass on it, he’ll be asked about each one… plus he feels human shame and Dem voters care, so they’ll matter.

But he’s already had 2 or 3 gaffes/controversies that would have been campaign enders pre Trump, and he’s pretty much unscathed thus far.

I’ll take the field vs Bernie and Warren for $100 at those odds (PayPal), reply booked to book. Hope I lose.

Booked my 100 to your 110. Closed now. Don’t want to double my pain too much when they lose.

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It’s really early and most of his ‘supporters’ haven’t even starting paying attention yet.

It also helps that Trump is around for Biden supporters to whatabout.

“Sure Biden said (creepy thing) about a little girl but he never said he was going to be dating her!”

Yeah that’s accurate… completely ignoring that the only person Biden should be getting compared to at this point is other centrist Dems. I don’t have any idea how anyone could think he’s even in the top three options in his lane lol.


Cliffs : Fucking dumbass democratic primary voters can clearly see that Biden is awful but are going to vote for him anyway. Because they think other people might like him.

“I’m a supporter because I think [Biden] will win,” said Janine Walsh, a 74-year-old voter, from Burlington, who wore a pink hat with “Resist!” bedazzled on the front to the barn event.

Carol Rork, a 79-year-old from Britt, Iowa, said she came out of the dinner feeling like her list of candidates she could support had only grown longer. She was wearing stickers for Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and Warren. As for the enthusiasm around Biden, “not so much,” she said. “I think it’s more out of respect. And probably the older people.”

“I would rather see someone like Warren,” Walsh said. “But I don’t think she can prevail … I think Biden can beat him.”

An overwhelming 72 percent of Iowa Democrats said they’d rather have a nominee who would be strong against Trump even if they disagree with that candidate on most issues, according to the Monmouth poll from early August. Only 20 percent said they’d pick a candidate based on ideology even if they would have a hard time beating Trump.

“When I left [Bernie’s] rally, I thought, yeah, I could live in Bernie’s world,” Hawk, of Burlington, said. “He’s got plans and direction; it’s just that he might be alone in that. … That becoming a reality feels small.”

So she’s considering Biden instead. She added, “I don’t sense a great deal of enthusiasm [around Biden]; the enthusiasm is just the importance of getting Trump out.”

Caucusing is “like dating,” Eric Hanks, a 53-year-old chiropractor from West Burlington, told me. “There are those I might be in love with but those I maybe should marry.”

Hanks said that despite his “passion” being with candidates like Warren, Buttigieg, and Sanders, he’s “done with passion. I just want results.”

“Grandma would say marry Joe Biden,” he said.

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Biden winning Iowa doesn’t help him that much… especially not if it’s close. If he loses Iowa he’s done. If he loses any meaningful % of the black vote he’s done. He is the front runner in polls but his voters are easily the most vulnerable. I know exactly one passionate Biden supporter and she’s my MIL and watches entirely too much CNN.