Who will run in 2020?

HRC was my protest vote. Didn’t matter.

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The real problem with Pete is that we aren’t even out of the primary (really we aren’t even to the primary) and he has proven he will sell himself out for anything that will help him get elected even if it means shitting all over the things the common man wants and needs. It’s exactly why Hill sucked. The seeking of power for power rather than actual public service.

Like of course he still would be the most liberal president in our lifetimes but this is hardly the point when he is trying to nuke the progressive wing of the party and all of our futures to do it just for the good of Pete Boot Edge Edge (lol at this terrible garbage marketing). He is single handedly trying to make the party less progressive and actually succeeding by constantly attacking from the right.


Drag his ass all the way back to bumfuck, Indiana


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AOC banishing Pete to the shadow realm, love it


I would think the mean of microbet knowledge alone would make @jmakin friends above average for informed.


I guess he meant IRL friends alough I took the statement as that even my uninformed friends know who to vote for you f*******s… :beers:

I really think that some of you are taking the fluctuations between the candidates a little too seriously, especially this far out in regards to Pete.

I don’t see how he can hold over Biden or Warren when the shit starts heating up.


And hey who cares if it’s a few because of extenuating circumstances or thousands because of policy? Can’t be bothered to vote, those two choices are so similar…

Maybe he’s full of shit but he’s talked a much better game on recognizing the bad faith on the right and fighting it. The fact that this community just refuses to acknowledge that is pretty bad.

I certainly hope all the people who claim that it’s best to sit out a Pete v Trump election (seriously wtf is wrong with you all, I can’t even type that without cringing) will be voting and volunteering in the Dem primary for their candidate.

Holy shit are you guys TRYING to lose this election? Cause spreading the ideas that nobodies vote matters and Trump and Pete/Biden/whoever are basically the same cause they both suck is EXACTLY how we lose.

You can argue this but if that centrist gets HR1 through then they could pave the way for huge progressive gains in the future. Pete has been a leader in the primary in discussing those sorts of things. And even if not it’s debatable and that alone should be enough to just vote against Trump and try to get the baby caging fascist out of there and keep fighting the fight.


The clickbaity title is cringe, but those MATH hats are boss.

Only thing that really scares me is a shitty centrist like Biden winning and not doing anything for people and just helping corporations and then the economy finally tanks. If the economy doesn’t tank before the election I think its super likely it will within the next four years. And the economy tanking under an unpopular centrist dem who isn’t doing shit to make peoples lives better is gonna hurt the dems big time. If it happens under Bernie/Warren it still sucks but at least they’re gonna try to do a bunch of stuff to help people.

That said it doesn’t matter. Trump as president is so bad and so dangerous for our democracy that sitting the election out is not an option no matter who wins the dem primary.


Stop defending this.


If you knew for a fact the economy would crash badly in 2022 do you think it would be better long term for the country for Trump to be president when that happens or a dem?

Assuming dems control house and repubs control senate.

Dem seems obvious but man its gonna be fucking rough.

The anger from me comes from the fact he is moving the window of the entire race right by running attack ads on things like m4a and free college

He is literally the enemy of anyone trying to accomplish real progressivism in this country. I agree he has little chance to succeed but the fact he is so craven to take that route is disgusting. Add in the fact he has some progressive street cred being openly gay and he is doing serious damage to the left wing of the party. So of course anyone paying attention has a hard time seeing him as anything but evil.


Ahh you deleted. I will delete my response too, to not derail this too much.

That’s why a Pete or Biden is so dangerous as the eventual nominee/winner. When the shit from Trump’s era hits the fan they will do what Obama did after Bush wrecked everything and give the billionaire class trillions, stiff the rest of us and declare victory.

Meanwhile a Bernie or the like would put the blame where it really lies and hold the people responsible accountable. That is something a neo-lib will never do.


Ehh good deal. A lot of times I reread what I wrote in the moment and realize it isnt exactly what i meant and change it.

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I am incredibly likely to vote for Pete in the general if he wins the nomination, but what he is doing is raising the likelihood that portions of the progressive wing stay home. And I’ll be the crazy one to argue that the fact that there is a threat of the progressive wing staying home for Pete is a good thing. If this threat doesn’t exist, then the centrist establishment can continue to rig things and run dishonest campaigns the way Pete currently is with zero repercussions. This type of politician needs to be run out of the party.

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So much this.

I agree with you, I just didn’t want to miss an opportunity to shit on Pete.

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People need to understand that Obama was a better President than Reagan, either Bush, Clinton, and Trump. And yet we should still want far better than him going forward. The Hope should be that Obama goes down as the worst Democratic President of the 21st Century.