Who will run in 2020?

He is the best president of our lifetimes. That is the problem though, not a defense of him. To be fair Obama did give it a college try his first year and a half or so. And then he realized he didn’t have the stomach for it and dedicated himself to trying to not be disliked.

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Dem because there’s a non zero chance Trump comes up with a final solution to fix things.



Next Democrat POTUS is going to get Carter’d no matter what.

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Yeah I thought so too at first but 1) they’re going to lose the house in 22 but TX is in play for 24 and 2) most likely another clown is gonna be up for the R party nom

someone who’s a derp but not obviously horrible to the rubes like haley wins though.

Sorry, I should be more clear. When I say real people I mean actual people and not politicians, corporate execs, billionaires, and MSM. The “people” are overwhelming for some type of M4A, correcting the wealth disparity, pro climate change, pro women’s rights, and anti war. Yes, even Trump’s racist base are for all these things

I gotta believe 2018 wasn’t a fluke. It’s also our only hope

Correct. I’m not talking about anyone over 25 (I thought the saying was don’t trust anyone over 30? haha). But yes, I’m speaking of the super wealthy/high level political elite, MSM, and law enforcement

I’d be interested in hearing some of those reasons. In an ideal world, there would be a legit younger progressive contender. I like Warren, but I do question her authenticity, whereas, I know Bernie is the real deal

lmao :roll_eyes:

I don’t agree with this because Trump at the helm scares the bejeesus out of me more than if we elected a parakeet as president, but I can respect your view. How can anyone fault you for sitting out when that’s exactly what I think many Trump voters should’ve done? If I had a dollar for every time someone told me, “but Hillary sucked!”, so they overlooked his racism… If that’s true then just SIT IT OUT and don’t vote for anyone! I can at least respect that

In 1973, the coal workers in Harlan County, southeast Kentucky joined a union. The owners refused the contract, and the workers strike. The owners hire scabs to replace the workers and gun-thugs to intimidate strikers at the daily picket line. This localized struggle, emblematic of the wider power struggle, lasted longer than a year, and included the murder of one of the unionized minors via shotgun blast to the head.

The 40-year window from 1980 to 2020 that you point to as a relatively desirous return destination, considering where we currently find ourselves, was actually 4 decades of the gradual inversion of totalitarianism:



Also Medicaid expansion covering 13 million previously ineligible poor people. All “fake progress.” When I was full time making 25k and was able to get my meds because of a subsidy that covered half the cost of my insurance, that was fake too. When my friend who’s undocumented told me in 2016 “I’m not worried because I’m a DACA kid.” Fake.

Idk what to even say anymore. Go ahead and stay home. Donald Trump, Obama what’s the difference. I’m fucking done with it. It’s all just theory to most of the rich motherfuckers on this board anyway.


Pretending that family separation isn’t a Trump policy or that Pete wouldn’t end it is pretty dishonest.


Reminds me of proudhon,

“I dream of a society where I would be guillotined as a Conservative.”

He is worried now, because some idiots in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan thought what’s the difference. Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, they’re both bad.

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I’d be interested in hearing some of those reasons. In an ideal world, there would be a legit younger progressive contender. I like Warren, but I do question her authenticity, whereas, I know Bernie is the real deal

Strictly my perception of elect-ability, and I freely admit I could be completely wrong. Age/recent heart attack, wearing the tag of socialist are the two big ones. IF you think it’s going to be a nail biter election, you don’t want to lose anyone, and the GOP is going to fucking hammer the socialist tag. It’s easy for AOC to chirp about that shit - she’s in a bullet proof district and doesn’t have to worry about getting elected. (To be clear, I think she’s bright and smart - I’m strictly trying to win the presidential election here. My rep is a guy named Mark Amodei - he’s GOP and he’s NEVER going to lose barring some sort of hideous financial/sex scandal, which seems unlikely. So he can do pretty much like AOC in that sense)

I’d prefer someone younger, because I’m not convinced that we’re best served by another geriatric white guy. Having said that, I’ll snap vote for him if he’s the nominee.


It’s wild that the entire mainstream progressive movement is basically this 80-year old guy and The Squad of Millennials who don’t have enough experience to run for president. Gen-X basically dropped the ball and we deserve some shade for that.


Tbh I’m not entirely convinced that Pete would totally end it, nor any democratic candidate really. The only part of the party I’d have any faith in to end it is AOC and gang, pretty much the part of the party that Pete and most other candidates are ignoring (or outright rejecting for the sake of “coming together,” whatever that means). Bernie is most likely to end it. Warren might but seems more likely to take on big institutions than authoritarian border policy. Castro probably the best chance behind Bernie.

Long story short, I don’t have much faith that family separation will disappear overnight. It may be a Trump policy, but the seeds of it have been laid by the past couple presidents.

Millionaires and billionaires, which is what I assume you mean by the glutton class, are largely despicable and they influence our politics in terrible ways. But I would not say they are the main culprit. The main culprit is the voters/American people. Most people are doing fine and have a “do whatever just don’t touch mine” attitude about the world.

You can see this in the Buttigieg surge. You can say millionaires and billionaires fund his campaign, but that ain’t the reason. He still trails Warren and Sanders in fundraising, and has zero name recognition and minimal qualifications. He’s surging because (a) he presents really well, and (b) he promises no one will have to give anything up if he’s elected (see, for example, Obama winning on healthcare in the primary by saying no of course we’re not gonna do a mandate).

My view is that systemic change can only come with a cultural shift in which people feel a responsibility to help their fellow humans and view government as a necessary facilitator to deliver that help. I am very likely to vote for Warren in the primary, but I actually hate that she won’t say “raise middle class taxes.” Raising middle class taxes to pay for stuff that benefits the whole society is good. I appreciate that Bernie is making that case.


Guys Obama putting in cages is fine because Trump did it way more! Obama had to put them in cages it was for their own good.

Cite or ban the rule of inference you used to get to this assertion from literally anything said itt


About the same time love prevails.