Who will run in 2020?

It’s what’s happening in this thread. I’m not talking about reddit or Russian Troll Farms.

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I know “good at compromise” gets used all the time as a trait that makes for a good president, but given the tactics and priorities of the current Republican party, I and many others consider “unwilling to compromise” a good thing, not a bad thing.


I’m fairly confident that Warren isn’t going to just cave in to the GOP. Bernie isn’t even particularly good at getting along with other Democrats though… and the caucus is going to have to proceed with military precision to get everything possible done by 2022.

I’m sorry this is just a really important moment, and Bernie hasn’t even realized that the filibuster has to go yet.

I skipped a lot of that as I mentioned, but in the past it’s tended to be more of the Biden/Harris/Booker/etc types who have trashed Bernie.

The same logic definitely applies. Anyone who supports Warren should be just as happy to support Bernie if he beats her in Iowa and New Hampshire.

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That would be me. I’m a Warren supporter and I’ve been smashing Bernie in the mouth since I saw that meme. I can’t help it clearly. I’m probably actually hurting the overall cause. I probably shouldn’t be president either :nauseated_face:.

Honestly if Warren hadn’t been in that meme I would have probably responded ‘lol neoliberals don’t know they’re dead yet’ and moved right on. Something about dinging Warren for voting for a standard defense bill really rubbed me the wrong way.

Do you have a citation for this claim?

EDIT: Read another way it shows that Warren would be close to unstoppable if Bernie’s people came over. I’m extremely worried about 1st Biden, 2nd Warren, 3rd Bernie scenarios basically. If Bernie doesn’t drop out before Super Tuesday he could literally nominate Biden if things break the wrong way.

Obviously I’m hoping that Warren keeps on chiseling away at Biden and wins Iowa to make it all pointless… but the marginal cases really distress me.

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That’s because that was the intent, you already knew this.

You just pointed out the exact moment where the thought connected. That meme is really pernicious.

I’d like to re-mention a point I made above–I really think you’re overestimating how many Bernie supporters are anti-Warren based on these memes and the general internet discourse. The second-choice polling shows that Bernie supporters are as likely to second Liz as Liz supporters are to second Bernie.

It’s more so that no one is making memes saying “Bernie is my #1 but Liz is totally acceptable!”–not exactly viral material there.

I don’t think it’s fair to refer to Casey as Manchin-lite when I think he’s clearly to the left of someone like Tim Kaine. He’s generally a progressive-populist except for abortion.

My personal experience with a Bernie supporter has been that they aren’t a real flexible bunch. In fact my experience with them has been that they feel very strongly that Bernie is the savior and no other will do.

Well then it must be true, despite the data and despite the many Bernie supporters in this thread and in this forum who have stated otherwise.

Eh. Ish. And I’m not trying to claim some great moral victory here. I fell, hard, for some propaganda (not that I believed it, but that I engaged troll material in good faith like an idiot) and got my jimmy’s rustled. I stand by everything I ever said about Bernie himself ITT, and some of the Bernie people in this thread were actually defending that meme (which originated in one of their subreddits).

My impression is the opposite.

Do you have examples of Bernie not getting along?

Imo Bernie challenges them a bit to much on policy’s and its the establishment that are not even trying to get along & thrash out policy’s. Except Warren.

I saw a poll that said a large portion of first choice Bernie voters have Biden as their second choice. Tell me what sense that makes?

Well I came in halfway so it’s probably my fault. That picture is dumb and the people who made it should feel bad. Buuuuuut Warren voting for bigger military budgets is a legitimate concern some could have. You’re rejoinder that she was going along to get along and got some capital which she spent on real world improvement is a fair point but I’m not 100% convinced.

Warren is calling for a smaller defense budget.

It’s hard to really know much about Warren’s FP. She hasn’t been in office long enough to have been present for any of the major votes I know, like the Iraq vote, that have split the Dems. She has voted against some of the surveillance state bills that hopefully are indicative of a non-militaristic FP.

In the sense that most people spend their time retweeting cat pictures and cute dog videos and when they’re face-down in their phone screen and a guy shoves a list in their face of 24 names and says, who’s your first and second choice, they pick the two names that are stuck in the back of their brains from the last time they paid attention in October of 2016, when Joe Biden was still the vice president and they have seen those funny memes of Barack and Joe, haha, and Bernie is the dude their two politically-engaged friends were talking about having had the primary stolen from him. Some of them might vaguely recognize Warren’s name as that lady that Trump called Pocahontas and no way she can win because of that, and Harris could be some person on the street and what kind of name is Kamala anyway?

(yes those sentences are run-ons, because that’s how most American morons think)

TLDR: It’s name recognition.