Who will run in 2020?

Are you sure? Because the numbers are pretty damning.

Putting the blame on people that voted for a candidate they believed in who is clearly a better choice than the alternative seems counterproductive to me.


Yes show your work or ban.


Ahh Well, maybe if, nah that won’t happen… Better to back the candidate who actually wants to do things to help the majority of the worst affected by capitalism.

Or are they not American enough?

I don’t trust the nuance crowd to do anything other than maybe bail out private lenders for defaults on student loans.


If everyone that voted for Trump voted for Hillary we would still be in a mess.

I assume jmakin is referring to stuff like:


Sure, some people who voted for Sanders in the primaries went for Trump, but it is also true that if Sanders had been the nominee, some people who voted for Hillary in the primaries would have voted for Trump in the general election. We can’t quantify that, but that’s just how elections work. People don’t exist on a linear scale from liberal to conservative or even in a two-dimensional representation of beliefs such as the Nolan chart.

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weeeeeird fucking hill to die on dude. These numbers are pretty well documented and have been discussed a lot over the last 3 years. I’m not sure whether you know that or not. Seems no.


Here’s a good starting point analysis. If you want me to grab the specific polling information I can but I really don’t want to because you’re wrong and even doing this much work was annoying.

Mitch McConnel for four years: according to precedent it’s the next POTUS who gets to nominate a justice.

Dems: deeply concerned


The polling information is substantial enough and there were enough votes even at the most conservative estimates that suggest, very strongly so, that it probably affected the results of the election.

So it’s bad that Bernie got independents, people who don’t normally vote or at least don’t normally vote Democrat to vote for him?

ie. Hillary was never getting those voters


I’m not suggesting anything even remotely like that or anything about a candidate in particular whatsoever. The point I was addressing was that “protest votes don’t matter anyway.”

They clearly do, and did matter.

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I meant more that Hillary would not of moved the needle as far as improving the lives of ordinary people.

Less kids would be in cages but I wonder if we would even know about it.

But you’re assuming that those votes would have gone to Hillary if they weren’t protesting.

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No, even if those votes had stayed home, it would have been a favorable result for hillary. The math adds up.

This is a really dead horse of an argument that I’m not interested in having because the numbers are so convincing. There is a lot of good analyses of the topic out there if you are curious to know more.

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I thought we were referring to protest votes as voting for a 3rd party or writing in Bernie.

I don’t think Bernie primary voters voting for one of the two candidates is a protest vote but I guess that’s where we differ.

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You’re saying people who voted for Trump would have not voted for Trump if Bernie never ran?


I’m guessing jmakin is assuming that all the Bernie to trump voters did that out of spite for Bernie losing and otherwise wouldn’t have voted or even voted for Hillary if they weren’t just assholes

If the venn diagram of likely trump supporters (had bernie not existed) and past bernie supporters has a lot of overlap, that doesnt really improve my opinion of the typical bernie supporter

“Typical”? So the sources you’ve studied are talking about over 50% of Bernie supporters?