Who will run in 2020?


Yea, Iā€™m going to be legit angry if Pete gets the nomination, and think weā€™ll continue to be fucked if thatā€™s the case. But you bet your fucking ass Iā€™m getting out to vote for him in the general, and if you arenā€™t then fuck you.




Weā€™ll see, I guess. But the thought that ā€œrealā€ people, whoever they are, are going to vote in lockstep with what you happen to believe is right isā€¦questionable. People have been looking for the youth vote to show up since 1972. Itā€™s shown up once in the midterms in 2018. Maybe things are different this time. Maybe not.

In terms of ā€œthe establishmentā€ I suspect the way youā€™re viewing it is the super-rich/high level political elite - in which case I mostly agree with your take - Iā€™m old, and for me the establishment was identified as pretty much anyone who was over 25 and working for a living - so thatā€™s probably my misinterpretation due to my age.

To be clear, Iā€™m for Warren, and I think Bernie would be a good president. I just donā€™t think he has a sick dogs chance of actually winning the election, for a bunch of reasons.
But pretty much anyone short of David Duke would be an improvement over what we have now.



If you canā€™t see that Trump is orders of magnitude worse than Pete, and the entire Dem field for that matter, I donā€™t know what to tell you. Enjoy the end of our democracy from your couch if Trump wins, I guess.


I know itā€™s fashionable to berate people for saying they wonā€™t vote for the nominee unless itā€™s their preferred choice, but Iā€™m a coin flip to show up to vote for GOPete, and would likely completely disengage from politics.

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On behalf of the separated kids drinking water from toilet bowls and the women who will have even fewer reproductive rights 4 years from now, we salute you


I will vote for whoever, but in CA my vote in the generally literally means nothing.

There will be ballot measures and stuff that might matter though.

Obama put kids in cages not sure why Pete would be any different.

Pete will be worse than Obamaā€“heā€™ll be willingly negotiating with a GOP that has moved their position significantly to the right and towards authoritarianism since Obama, and weā€™re starting from a much uglier position than Obama inherited (amazing that that was possible).

Still, he has my vote in the general. Hopefully followed by my disengagement from politics as well, because it will truly be the nail in the coffin of meaningful change.


Everybody here knows that our votes do not matter right? Like, I get the sentiment that everybody needs to do their part and all but like itā€™s pretty laughable how some people get up in arms at the idea that someone would cast a protest vote.

This is based on nothing but feelings. Your whole diatribe actually.

Youā€™re sad.

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Even for the people of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania?

Because if every bernie protest vote went to Hillary we would likely not be in this mess

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Show your work

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Sure, but then why bother with a protest vote? Weā€™re basically already fucked, so I want to see Trump blown the fuck out.

Iā€™m not convinced that Pete is the GOP lite centrist that some people make him out to be here, but I think a centrist Democrat might be worse than a second term for Trump in the long run even if it is better in the short run because Trump has a better chance of completely breaking the system so that itā€™s the end of our democracy as we know it.

I really donā€™t know if I would be willing to stay home if the choice were between Trump and a Democratic establishment candidate who I thought would do nothing but perpetuate a broken system, but the option is on the table as far as I am concerned. Thereā€™s some GoT analogy here between Trump talking about draining the swamp and Daenarys saying that she was going to break the wheel not stop it, but turning out to be just as bad, if not worse.

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Interesting thread with good arguments on each side in the replies. Much more nuanced than the usual twitter BS.


Just giving away free tuition is a lot more complex than the Bernie wing makes it sound, not because itā€™s good or bad, but because itā€™s complicated and nuanced