Who will run in 2020?

Hold up, Deval Patrick just came in with a motley crew of black predatory capitalists. This pickle is getting dicey.

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So it turns out they all eat food and drink water. Every day. So that’s two things. Awaiting confirmation as to whether they pee and poop it out like real people.

Wow that was soooooooooo clever.

Because that’s definitely what I said.

I dunno, have fun staying home on election day while the rest of us try to unfuck this country.

Thanks, I agree. Do you think it got the point across?

p.s. Wait, are you being sarcastic? Do you secretly think it WASN’T clever?!?

I’ve got news for you. There’s going to be no resources left to rebuild if we keep electing moderates. They’ve got all the money. They’ve got all the power. They’ve got all the corporate donations/bribes. They’ll soon have all the SCOTUS seats and appellate court judges. They’ve got all the districts gerrymandered and restricted voting rights. But hey, viva la same old, same old and expecting different results, amirite?


If something burns down its probably a good idea not to rebuild in the exact same way as last time. Even the 3 little pigs figured that one out.

Hey guys what about socially aware liberal globalised markets with completly free movement of capital and private competition in the provision of public services. That’s bound to work this time.


The key is the youth vote and 4 more years of youth will have turned voting age by 2020

Which is why anyone but Sanders, or Warren, or Yang on the top of the ticket will clinch GOP rule and be a total disaster and game over for Dems

The overwhelming majority hates moderates, but the sad truth is they’ve been brainwashed not to realize it. People like @nunnehi and @skydiver8 don’t understand that a vote for a moderate is a vote for corporate donations (which Cenk Uyguy correctly described as bribery on Cuomo), it’s a vote for ZERO taxes on Billionaires’ income, it’s a vote in favor of the industrial military complex and endless wars, and it’s a vote against climate change and M4A

Real people and voters overwhelming side with progressives on ALL these issues! Establishment Democrat and Republican politicians are vehemently against them for obvious reasons. They can’t stay in power and line their pockets if progressives win

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Yeah I thought about my wording on that and was wondering if someone would nit that out. But I’m sure you get my point. You’re correct and you know I’m obviously not for rebuilding in the exact same way

I was agreeing with you :)

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How privileged do you have to be to think the guy who is basically a run of the mill POTUS candidate circa 1980 to 2020 is as bad as the fascistic monster throwing kids in cages and AT BEST a useful idiot to Russia, but likely flat out compromised?

This is absolutely bonkers.

This is kind of funny. Like, I’m far from the biggest Pete fan around these parts, but he’s more progressive than Obama was on the vast majority of issues.


I understand (and agree with) a lot of the anger here, but this is way wrong.


In 2008, Obama, the most progressive Dem nominee in decades, had the public position that people like Pete Buttigieg shouldn’t be allowed to legally marry.


So the correct play was to stay home and let McCain win?

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This Thanksgiving season, I’m thankful no candidate is starting out with a 600 superdelegate lead in the 2020 primary.

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No, of course not. My point was the opposite. People are going nuts extending purity testing into the general against Donald Fucking Trump, when most of the people on the debate stage would govern more progressive than the most progressive Pres of our lifetimes.


This is exactly the problem. The bottom 50% of Americans control 1/3rd of the wealth by percentage compared to Herbert Walker Bush’s time. Literally a 1980s Republican is better than the most progressive Democratic president in a decade. Purity tests are very relevant when the objective of politicians are to coop a party and process where it is effectively a multi iteration prisoner’s dilema.

Obviously we will support whoever in the general because we won’t have a choice. How is that in any way relevant to the primary?

The polling supports that there really is no material difference between the major candidates on how they’d fare vs Trump. We can argue about that forever, but as we learned in 2016 it’s silly.

Unless no one has a majority on the first ballot, then expect all superdelegates to vote for the moderate centrist who came in 3rd place.

Pete will still have kids in cages and will be committing war crimes around the globe. Same as it ever was.