Who will run in 2020?

50% of the electorate doesn’t show up every election. What do you think they have been doing?

He’s just a mini-boss. You got to beat the white guy who sounds like a Republican before you get to face the white guy who sounds like a carnival barker despot.


The time has come for someone to put his foot down, and that foot is me.

Because those are elaborate bandaids and these are actually I mean seriously the end days and USA#1 is the canary in the coal mine boring straight to Hell?


Btw Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

:turkey::turkey::turkey::turkey::turkey:gobble gobble :turkey::turkey:


I guarantee you this won’t be the case in 2020. If anyone sits the election out it will be Republicans who can’t bring themselves to vote Democrat, but don’t identify with a Republican party in serious moral decline

Young people and progressives will have record turnouts. The message is FINALLY getting out this time around. We are ALL Democrats and Republicans alike, against the establishment. That’s how Trump won in 2016 if we’re being honest about it. People hate the establishment and moderates. Sorry to people like skydiver and nunnehi, but we’re NOT playing it safe or taking their advice when it comes to electing moderates. We’re calling them out for what they are… Shills for corporate greed. Their days are numbered


If I want to replace our out-dated Constitution with a more modern document and I think the amendment process is insufficient to get the required changes done, does that mean I have something left to burn down or does that mean that I am advocating rebuilding?

And I’m not saying that I am 100% there yet, but I think we are at a point where we have to talk about wholesale change to our political system as an option and what avenues we have for getting there.

I hope this is accurate.

“Young people and progressives will have record turnouts. The message is FINALLY getting out this time around.”

Maybe. The dems are counting on it. Which means they’re counting on voting blocs that have a nasty habit of not showing up in November. They showed up in 2016, but I dunno how excited your youth vote is going to be about turning out for Biden, or how well the black vote will turn out for Pete (and I think he’s pretty unlikely to be the nominee, but online he’s the third choice ahead of Bernie at present, so who knows?)

“People hate the establishment and moderates.”

Maybe. Or maybe you hate them. OTOH, as of today online, the dems are -120 to win. Trump is even money - despite being the candidate that he is.That’s a longgggggggggggg way from a sure thing. Long way 'til Nov. 2020.


How’s he going to pay for it?



If champstark was left to his own devices he’d mess around and hire All The Women Guards.

  1. Wicked jump shot

In case anyone is interested:

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get his ass AOC



How privileged do you have to be to think supporting a guy with 0% black support is the best we can do? How privileged do you have to be to think that as a rich white male you understand the black experience in this country because you’re gay?

I’m done with it though. Pete’s campaign has been a pure lie at every step from its initial rollout and he has proven himself to be scum at this point. Those who support him are no better than Trump supporters. If they can’t see that what they are supporting is evil at this point, there’s nothing I can do about it. We truly are fucked as a country and honestly as a world. Enjoy the 4 years of essentially President Romney that you’ll get with Pete.

And for the talk about free and fair elections, they already don’t exist. The primary process has proven that corporate interests will align to crush truly progressive voices while the Dem establishment works to eliminate their opportunity to even run in the future.


Means tested programs suck. The idea of government is to provide services to all that are better when they’re provided universally than if they were required to be acquired individually. The most popular government programs are all universal programs. And programs that have been viewed as essential like Social Security and Medicare would have already been killed if they weren’t universal.


It is looking more and more likely the Dems are going to be nominating a centrist, neo-liberal who openly courts corporate money and advocates for (at best) half measures

My first instinct is to say nothing was learned from 2016. But I really think instead that the Dem party is just designed to do exactly what it is doing. It is the machine that perpetually blocks progressive policies from becoming reality in this country more so than any other entity because it is the ultimate gatekeeper. And it is designed in a way to provide maximum benefit to someone like Biden/Hillary over someone like Bernie.

Progressive policies are very popular so this whole “electability” argument is just a sham to cover up the fact that the Dem party is almost as bought and paid for as the other side. And the payoff for the corporate interests is the protection of the status quo by the Dem establishment.


The point is that the experiences are wholly different. Someone who is gay (but not black) does not know what it’s like to be black in America, and someone who is black (but not gay) does not know what it’s like to be gay in America.

Part of the problem is everyone thinks they know what is best for other people who are not like them. White people (like GOPete) telling black people what’s best for them instead of asking them (at a minimum), or better yet, actually having them say what needs to be done and then just doing what they say. Same is true of the gay community. A straight person does not know what it’s like to grow up having to hide his/her/their sexuality and should not be saying they know what’s best.

This really isn’t hard.

Are you from the south? I live here and southern whites on average are racist homophobes. Whats your point?

Well, sure, if the goal is to spout gibberish.

Scratch that, I got all the black socialists and all the black trump voters in a room with me right now. We’re about to hammer this out.

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