Who will run in 2020?

So, seems like Primary Season is going pretty well. Cool!

Warren and Sanders are fighting to make the Democrats a party of the working class and Pete is following in Clintonā€™s/Bidenā€™s footsteps to try to stop them. Heā€™s undermining the campaign finance reform Warren and Sanders are championing by raising millions from private events hosted by pharma, wall street, silicon valley lobbyists and execs where they get closed-door access to their candidates. This re-normalizes corrupt influences that Warren and Sanders have denounced and refused. And then, for these financial campaign investments, Pete has advanced those corporate financial interests by talking non sense about M4A, about how poor non-whites need more role models, among other centrist status-quo talking points.

Iā€™d love for a young person to champion the working class. Pete has the charisma and chops to carry the torch, but all he has done so far is undermine the progress towards M4A and campaign funding progress already been made. He chose the path of the establishment elites. Iā€™ll pull the lever for him to beat trump but I wonā€™t blame anyone who just stays at home with WAAF mentality if the Dems nominate this guy.


I mean itā€™s pretty obvious the media wants no part of an actual liberal president. Every debate is two hours of HOW YOU GONNA PAY FOR IT with a side of HOW WILL YOU GET ALONG WITH REPUBLICANS. The liberal candidates lose before tipoff by not attacking that head on.


-6.25, -8.1

about right. Iā€™ve scored a little differently in the past.

Dramatic Reenactment of the Republican Debate when the moderator asked ā€œHow Will You Get Along With Democrats??ā€



Not even close to the same.


Yeah. They continue to paint Bernie as a crazy old man despite all of the stuff he said 4 years ago being exactly right.




I love this forum because I get to watch radicalization happen in real time. For someone with an amateur interest in sociology and political trends, itā€™s really fascinating.

I have news for you guys who want a revolution to burn it all down: thereā€™s nothing left to burn down. Personally, Iā€™d rather rebuild, but hey, viva la revolucion, amirite?

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If you took 100 random twitter progressives and 100 random dem primary voters, youā€™re saying you think the random Dems would be more knowledgeable about the candidates policies and political policy in general? That seems very wrong to me.

Your correct there is nothing left to burn down, thatā€™s why weā€™re going after the caymen Islands etcā€¦ We know where they hid the cashā€¦ Shh.


Yep we want to build and build it well, just not for extortionate profit and corruption.

The thing is that some of the centre donā€™t get is that we the left just want to stop the Curruption and hate thatā€™s it really.


That article was written by a radical centrist and argues the centrist point of view. Whether Pete is a centrist at heart or not, itā€™s not going to convince anyone that he isnā€™t.


Andy Lack runs NBC News and is at best a right-of-center Democrat. Thatā€™s being charitable.

Look at the flagship Morning show at MSNBC, Morning Joe. Joe left the Repube party like an hour ago, because of Trump, and still isnā€™t a Democrat. Mikaā€™s dad was a Democrat and a genius but she apparently inherited someone elseā€™s brains and just does whatever Joe says. Then thereā€™s the usual gang of centrists they march in and out, whilst always prominently featuring Never Trump Repubes.

If youā€™re lucky you might get a blurb or two from Bernie during the Lawrence Oā€™Donnell ten o clock hour, but donā€™t blink or youā€™ll miss it. Hayes and Maddow devote their shows to stress testing points for their next books and Matthews just interrupts people for a living. If you want progressive TV youā€™re stuck with HBO and that doesnā€™t include Maher.


White is the new black. The same is the new new. Not sure what all these cries for change are all about.



my ā€œteam?ā€

LMAO, I canā€™t even do this anymore.

If you canā€™t understand that weā€™re all on the same fucking team, then whatā€™s the goddamned point?

Happy Thanksgiving.


Nice -8.92 there freedom lover!

Mine if anyone cares. Just a big ole moderate

Surprisingly thatā€™s about exactly where I expected Iā€™d probably fall. Although a few questions I kinda wrestled with that were pretty neutral for me.



Economic Left/Right: -7.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.54


So I am far too the left of Bernie Sanders. That doesnā€™t seem right.

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