Who will run in 2020?

Wait, for real? How did that happen?

Like how does it not give you pause that the supposed millennial candidate is way more popular with boomers than millennials?


Wow, Mason sure does lie about stuff a lot.


Yeah, itā€™s pretty obvious who the FU Boomer candidate is.

Peteā€™s trying to win and thatā€™s what wins presidential races as a democrat.

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People often use the idea of doing something to win as a way to justify things they know are wrong.

Can you give specific examples of ā€œboomer valuesā€ he represents?

Pete doesnā€™t do that.

This seems like a pretty wild exaggeration. The healthcare plan heā€™s advocating (mfa with private option) is basically the same one they have in european countries like Germany. As far as I can tell thatā€™s the only real critique of him.

I find it funny also that the ā€œok boomerā€ candidate for you guys is an 80 year old boomer. Lol. Iā€™m still in for bernie but cmon. We need more young people in office.

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Boomer generation was born between 1946 and 1964. Bernie was born in 1941. Not technically a boomer.

And yes, we need more young people. We need young people like AOC, not GOPete. We need young people that are not beholden to corporations and wealthy donors. We need young people that want actual change, not incremental status quo ā€œchangeā€.


Thatā€™s an interesting chart. Iā€™m surprised to see Inslee so far to the right, given the positions heā€™s most known for (on climate change and gun control). I need to read more about the methodology, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing something.

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According to the chart everyone should be voting for Tulsi.

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That chart seems pretty far off. Whereā€™s it from? I find it hard to believe Gabbard, an Assad apologist, is the least authoritarian of the bunch. Inslee and Yang seem way too far right, along with Pete, and there doesnā€™t seem to be nearly enough separation between the right flank of the Democratic Party and the Republicans on that chart. I also find it hard to believe that Yang, Buttigieg and Castro are all right of Biden.


I just took the test, my dot is smack dab on top of Noam Chomsky.

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I feel like heā€™s been sprinkling in those ideas lately.

Iā€™m running to be the president who can turn the page and unify a dangerously polarized country while tackling those issues that are going to be just as urgent then as they are now.

Yes, we have to fight ā€“ absolutely, we have to fight for the big changes at hand, but itā€™s going to take more than fighting. Once again, I want to take you back to that day after Trump has stopped being president. Think about what the president can do to unify a new American majority for some of the boldest things weā€™ve attempted in my lifetime ā€“ Medicare for all who want it, actually getting something done on immigration for the first time since the '80s, an assault weapons ban, which would be a huge deal, making college free for low- and middle-income students.

Also the last ~50 seconds of this:

Assault weapons ban sure is boomerish.

I like how Castro and Pete sit on the same dot and this site seems to like one and revile the other. Also, this chart should have a third axis to plot a candidateā€™s Yangness.

Come on. Be serious. I asked a serious genuine question.

If Pete was polling at sub-debate qualification levels and Castro was in the top tier and rising, Iā€™m not sure this would stay true.


Unless thereā€™s a link to their answers Iā€™d just assume that chart is made up