Who will run in 2020?

I’m my best parent voice, “I’m not mad, just disappointed”

I mean he’s got to do the lame stuff and it gets his name out and more recognition, but please don’t dance on the Ellen Show, Bernie, please don’t.

Fwiw a month later, wheatrich phrased that poorly. He was saying that a surprisingly large fraction of latinos don’t have sympathy or empathy for undocumented immigrants, as evidenced by their trump support.

Not to sound overly facetious but a scene from an episode from the first season of House nailed it:

Cuddy: You can’t order a $3,200 DNA test to win a bet.

House: It’s not an actual cost. I don’t know if you know this, but the hospital actually owns the sequencing machine.


I think that’s a bit of an overestimate of what he would do to the AOC wing, but even if you’re right it beats Trump totally destroying our democracy.

I also think Pete’s democracy reform could pave the way for the progressive wing.

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Was it because of my burn in the Leftist Memes thread?


You just…

…can’t help yourself, huh?

I was like, “Is he gonna make it? He’s skated on the edge a few times but IS HE GONNA MAKE IT?”

I’d like patents for 500 Alex.

Oh fuck just realized he’s gonna go by President Pete

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Article is incredible and a must read.

Bernie in 1992


So is the follow-up

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It’s good. But it shouldn’t take a strongly worded and viral article to get any action or even an audience from pols like Pete.

Actually I’m going to be contrarian and say there’s nothing amazing about either the article or Pete’s conversation with the author.



tldr version: the most knowledgeable portion of the electorate has been pointing out that Pete’s ideas suck, but lol fuck off nerds


I think he’s the best chance vs trump. I agree he could be good for the progressive wing of the party. Don’t quite understand the degree of hate for him here but haven’t followed closely.

We need to stop electing geriatric boomer fucks and start getting young people in powerful positions around the country. It would be a big step and a big fuck you to boomers which is why I really secretly wanna see him go all the way.

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A good example of this - we run blood through a couple of sequencers - when I order a chem panel, I can only see either 7 or 20 items, depending if I want a basic or comprehensive panel - but it’s resulting out something like 50 or so tests in total, which makes sense - it’s cheaper to run things as a batch process and you don’t have to fuck around with adding/deleting various reagents. Basic panel is about $300, Comprehensive $700 or so - and adding stuff spins the meter.

This stuff gets complicated because 1) a doctor is supposed to show medical necessity for tests (unlike House in the show) because otherwise you’d be getting pregnancy tests run on 85 year old men which Medicare would have to pay for and 2) it would open up a horrendous med/mal swamp in that an odd value from a decade ago could be the basis for a malpractice suit (remember by definition 5% of lab results are “supposed” to be abnormal as we work from 2 standard deviations from the mean - but try explaining that to your average high school dropout jury member)


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If he just does boomer things like ask “How are we going to pay for universal health care?” and act like we can deal with Republicans in good faith, that’s not much of an improvement.


Would be nice if the guy claiming to represent my generation actually represented our values and ideas. Dude is a boomer disguised as a millennial and only hurts our generation.

Whoever is the first to ok boomer Pete is a hero.