Who will run in 2020?



that has to be a deepfake. wtf?



Completely out of the closet neoliberal shill

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I was asking wheatrich, who thinks Pete is misrepresenting his own views and that that is smart.

Why would you ever think thatā€™s a fake?

Weā€™ve all been so focused on how Bloomberg is a fascist billionaire that weā€™ve forgotten that he was also a fascist, racist-ass mayor.


Stop and frisk fans

Iā€™m pretty astounded at Bloombergā€™s wealth. Like I get Gates having $100 billion - everyone gets windows/office/etc. How the fuck does Bloomberg have $50 billion from, apparently, a terminal like 10k people use?

Both disprove efficient markets, obviously, but how fā€™n hard can it be to provide a Bloomberg terminal knock off for, oh, $5k a year!?! LOL Econ 101.

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I donā€™t know all the details, but I was slightly involved in starting a project that was going to compete with something Bloomberg does as far as financial data and it didnā€™t go anywhere, not because of technical details. Like I said, I donā€™t really know, but I think itā€™s legal/contract stuff that protects his business.

a cnn poll got leaked. In case you thought that quinn poll for pete at 16 was an outlier, peteā€™s in double digits here.

Bloom at 3 before the ads, so I probably should stop betting on him itā€™ll probably go up :/

This is a dumb poll because it excludes all the other lower tier candidates.

Edit: Your edit now includes the full poll which shows Pete at 11% among all candidates, rather than just the four way race.

well all the Tulsi voters are voting Trump anyway

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As bad as it is that Pete canā€™t get any non-white support, itā€™s pretty bad that Bernie polls at 5% with boomers. Basically Bernie needs to have an unexpected youth turn out to win. If itā€™s mostly olds voting he gone (stating the obvious, but ya)

well Iā€™m not surprised, socialism has a very bad rap with olds.

Warren canā€™t get non white support either. Itā€™s all Biden ā†’ large gap ā†’ Bernie ā†’ crickets.

Thatā€™s the rough thing about this electionā€“every candidate isnā€™t drawing out of some group and the entire coalition has to vote or they lose to Trump. Luckily, itā€™s near universal hatred of the guy at this point.

NYT keeps finding those dem midterm voters who are voting Trump in the pres election because they always do. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some clinton 16->trump 20 voters because they, personally were not impacted yet. (and NYT will do 100 articles on them)

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Bernie nooooooooo!!!

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

I donā€™t get it. You guys mad because Jimmy Fallon is lame?