Who will run in 2020?

The sentiment is that he’s not on the side of ordinary people and doesn’t give a shit about them, no matter what he says. And I bet you a shiny sixpence that that’s true.

One of the whitest posts on here i’ve seen lmao


Health stocks selling off 2%+ across the board, not sure if due to NH poll with Bernie in the lead or based on this article or both, but pretty interesting seeing how the market reacts to whoever is perceived in the lead

The Root isn’t exactly some niche publication.

In other words, Obama is exactly who we thought he was:


The fact that the Root isn’t all that lefty is a watermark for authenticity IMO. The black community isn’t all that lefty. For a lot of black people the only reason they aren’t Republicans is because the Republicans integrated the Dixiecrats in the 70’s, and no matter what they’ll never share a side with bigoted white people who think they should still be slaves.

I can’t believe it, but I’m actually going to defend Pete on this one. That article is a load of :poop:. With the clear intent of painting Pete as a racist, the author uses language like ‘explaining whitely’ and, what I have the biggest problem with, draws his main conclusion seemingly off of a single statement made by Pete that isn’t directly correlated to the claims the author is trying to make.

The author uses Pete’s quote "Kids need to see evidence that education is going to work for them… [] …There isn’t someone who they know personally who testifies to the value of education.” against him in a totally B.S. way. He follows Pete’s quote up with a paragraph about other barriers to black education, such as: (1) less funding; (2) harsher discipline; (3) lower job placement rate; (4) less pay for same education level; (5) more post-grad debt; and (6) less advanced classes / technology access.

The problem I have with this is - not once did Pete denounce these other barriers to black education or say that they don’t exist. Taken out of context the author is trying to make it seem like Pete believes that the only barrier to black education is not enough role models. He even calls it a lie of omission taken from what is a 30s clip. It would literally not be possible for Pete to mention the other items in a 30s time frame. Why he focuses on the role model aspect, without the context I have no idea but I am not going to draw any conclusions off of it. I think we could all agree that having role models in certain industries, levels of education, etc in a kid’s life when they are growing up can obvious have an influence on their life path.

Disclaimer: I have not read Pete’s Douglass plan nor do I plan on doing it because I canceled him when he became GOPete and used GOP talking points to bash M4a. But I assume his plan goes beyond ‘we need more role models’ and actually tries to address the other barriers the author mentioned, so that there are more role models, thus improving the cycle even further, like a feedback loop of sorts.


:rage: THANKS OBAMA :rage:

Still, though, the talking point that black kids have struggles because they lack good role models is right out of the Republican playbook. Democrats shouldn’t use that talking point, because it plays into the Republican lie that “minority communities” are inherently irredeemable so we shouldn’t give them “hand outs”. Like, I don’t think it’s disqualifying that Pete said that once 8 years ago, but it’s not great, Bob.


certainly it is appropriate to look at what views someone held when she was 21 years old and judge her for decades on those views, even if she’s disavowed them and said they were wrong. I’m sure this standard will be fairly applied to, say, Liz Warren by folks here.


The idea that anyone who put on the uniform knew that they were volunteering to do things like participate in the invasion, occupation, and destabilization of large parts of the world seems pretty well guided, though, especially if the person in question is a Super Genius.


Agree but I’m not convinced that if Pete were asked directly what he thought the biggest barrier to minority education was, he would say ‘lack of role models’. In the longer version of the clip, the topic of mentorship is brought up before Pete’s response.


Wasn’t aware of a Zapruder clip, but if so that’s definitely a mitigating factor.

While this argument is damning for a Super Genius like Mayor Pete, it provides a pretty solid defense for Tulsi’s volunteering, as I have it on good authority from folks around these parts that she is an idiot, although to be fair to her, a useful one. How could she have known?

Yes, that’s fair. But we should still have some doubt about conservative talking points creeping into the candidate’s playbook (which is one of the risks of Pete as candidate).

Have we discussed how the civilian murderer Obama said he would try and stop a Bernie nomination?


This can only mean one thing (especially after Obama’s recent comments cautioning Dems against going “too far left”). Obama is pushing hard for electability, which can only mean one thing …

Joe Biden


I saw something about this too. Did he have an explanation for it?

Was going to say the exact same thing, but then you’d have to say it for Biden, mayor Pete, and the rest of the candidates too. Except you know who you don’t have to overlook a lot of previously held beliefs and make excuses for? Yep. Sanders and (so far), Yang

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