Who will run in 2020?

but the media told me that black people don’t like him because of homophobia!

All the way in for that. This was the big hit for me, because I feel like it perfectly encapsulates his whole candidacy:

“It proves men like him are more willing to perpetuate the fantastic narrative of negro neighborhoods needing more role models and briefcase-carriers than make the people in power stare into the sun and see the blinding light of racism. Get-along moderates would rather make shit up out of whole cloth than wade into the waters of reality. Pete Buttigieg doesn’t want to change anything. He just wants to be something.


Let’s be fair here. His campaign just released a plan endorsed by hundreds of black leaders and it’s not like he explicitly said the word “bootstraps”.

Question for everyone:

How many times, prior to this morning, have any of you read anything on The Root?

How many of you have read Pete’s Douglass Plan?

How many of you have different views or have refined/honed your beliefs since 2011?

I understand that you all are intentionally posting Pete hit pieces and not really looking to go after anyone else (maybe Biden, but he doesn’t count, he doesn’t need to have oppo released on him, he does it himself). All I can do at the CIA stuff is laugh the same way I laugh at Alex Jones and QAnon…but please, continue to believe that a low-level spreadsheet jockey just out of college is directing super secret black ops…it’s fucking hilarious.

I also understand why. I get that Pete isn’t “supposed” to be polling higher than “real” candidates. I could post all the negative shit about Bernie and Warren I see everyday, but I don’t, because I understand that it’s a blown out of proportion media narrative, and if I did, you all would fight back against it. So what makes you think the same thing isn’t happening here?

It’s really easy to believe a narrative against someone who isn’t your candidate without giving them the benefit of the doubt or digging any deeper, because it’s what you already want to hear.

I’m not sure who you’re trying to convince here…you’re already all decided, so why bother with the smears? I mean, I guess its a fun little circle jerk, but the key word there is “little”.

So did you read the article or not?

Just so we are all clear:


If he doesn’t denounce this immediately, clearly, and fully, he’s absolutely in the wrong and should drop out of the race.


Fair enough. I’m not saying she’s awesome either. My gripe is with how the media slants, twists, and distorts truth in favor of candidates THEY prefer, instead of just putting out the facts and letting the people decide. It drives me insane when it works, especially on people I consider intelligent

Pretty sure you know she’s not my home girl and that Sanders is my guy (yet another candidate the corrupt centrist Dems and biased corporate media don’t want us voting for). Also pretty sure if I went off on how unfairly Yang gets treated, you’d be calling me his fan boy too. It’s remarkable how so many here resort to falsely pining labels on anyone who dares to separate themselves from the herd and the standard group think talking points

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Lol wat?

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FWIW I regularly read The Root–probably weekly, and more often than that back when Splinter was a thing (The Root is part of GMG)


god damnit we need Fly here


Also, do we have any teachers/admins in Title 1 schools here on this board that can actually speak knowledgeably about this issue?

Also, 2011? How many of you were spouting ACist crap on 2p2 in 2011?


Someone didn’t read the article…

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Possibly. I am not as strongly opposed to Pete as others here, but it is a fact that he (and any other centrist) runs the risk of being pulled into the center right in an attempt to win over the allegedly persuadable center right voters. There’s a pretty fine line between Pete’s language in that video and the dog whistle victim blaming rhetoric of the pre-Trump Republican party. There’s a legitimate argument for avoiding that play altogether and have a more vociferously left candidate that doesn’t try to apologize into the middle to win highly contested voters that they might not win in any event.

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As usual when it comes to Pete you’re willfully blind.

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Buttigieg as CIA operative and, implicitly, CIA-favoured candidate can best be understood as se non è vero, è molto ben trovato. You can’t really argue with the sentiment, and the sentiment’s what matters, so arguing the facts isn’t much good.

Oh, come on- how many of us are running for President?

I used to semi-regularly read The Root, as in, I often clicked links that led there, not that I would load it up off my own bat. Then I encountered a lot of Black Left critiques of The Root, and now I don’t really read it anymore, lol.

and yet you refuse to actually read the plan. So who is willfully blind? I’ve read Yang’s plans. He’s my 2nd or 3rd choice, btw, so not sure why you think I hate him. I have concerns about him, as I have concerns with everyone, including Pete (I posted some up thread, ICYMI).

I read a lot of plans. What I don’t do is read a lot of punditry. Even the pro-Pete pundits are insufferable at times. It’s made me a much happier warrior.

If you have any please pass them along. I obviously don’t assume they speak for All Black People but have enjoyed the perspective. They also don’t seem particularly lefty to me, though.

I don’t have any articles bookmarked, I pick up links and threads from accounts I follow on twitter.

The sentiment that anyone who’s put on a uniform is probably a deep-state CIA operative seems a bit misguided to me.

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