Who will run in 2020?

these polls are hilarious, i love em. my favorite polls are the official ones on voting day, but these are still fun in their own way. i’m not gonna take it too seriously, i’m like @skydiver8, i’m just enjoying it and taking in what everybody’s out there saying and then voting for my favorite. gl everybody


If Warren finishes 3rd or 4th in Iowa, loses NH, and finishes behind Bernie in SC (I assume Biden still crushes but Bernie 2nd?) and NV, does she drop out and endorse him? Let’s assume Bernie gets 1/2 in Iowa/NH, distant 2 in SC, 1/2 in NV?

i sure hope so


By that time we are three days away from Super Tuesday and another week from 6 more primaries.

Yaaaaa kinda just hoping someone drops out or they are really just going to split the vote every state :expressionless:

I don’t think she would endorse Bernie.

Delaney is a fit mofo.


John Delaney may be polling at <1% but he’s damn sure going to make sure anyone who follows him on Twitter knows how fit he is.

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If she does that in IA/NH she might as well drop out right then and there.

Well she could still win some states in the northeast/west coast but that’s literally it if those are the early results.

This. Any Warren/Bernie team play where one drops out and endorses the other absolutely must take place after NH, and not a moment later.

If they wait any longer, they’re just anointing Biden or Buttigieg the nominee.

My guess: Bernie outperforms her in IA and NH, she refuses to drop out, tells him he can drop out and endorse her or they can split the vote, his call.


I don’t see any scenario Bernie drops out while he’s still breathing before say super tuesday regardless.

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One of them needs to do it early or it’s useless. We aren’t getting a progressive in a brokered convention, full stop.


Bernie dies from a heart attack before Super Tuesday but then he appears in a vision to Warren and he’s like “Elizabeth! The medicare for all surrounds us and gives us life!” And then she goes on win the presidency.

But hahah, no that’s not happening. Biden is gonna win it outright or win it or else through some shady-ass brokered convention and everything hurts.


i’m not entirely sure where to put this link, but it’s a fucking scary and interesting article. I remember both of the viral tweets they talk about in here…

Be careful out there in social media land, my friends.

He’s still way better than Biden, regardless of how much you dislike him. Both are still light years better than Trump.


I would take Pete over Biden any day.


seriously curious because I usually am on top of the alt-left conspiracies, but where did this “backed by the CIA” and “war crime enabler” narrative originate? It’s new and I’ve seen it a couple places now, and I’m wondering where it came from.

certainly not Pete himself.


Or is this just the alt-left hatred of all things military? Are you saying anyone who joins the military is a war crimes enabler?

might have something to do with this:



of course, people fall for that fake shit, which is also not “lmao”

backed by CIA certainly came from Chapo

Largely based on this from Wikipedia

I mean to be fair that does sound like a CIA type thing…

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