Who will run in 2020?

If he is running as a D, how many times has he been asked if he will run 3rd party?

Headline has supporter plural for some reason.

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Doubt it. MSM clickbait is geared towards sheeple that think as they’re told. They ain’t interested in independent thinkers who buck the trend and speak truth to power

Calling Gabbard a Russian agent and centrist is laughable, but people buy it, see? That’s why they print it

Probably not but it’s not laughable given her statements.

Such as?

She’s not only puppeted by the same bots that were doing it for Trump everything with foreign policy is straight up the same russian bullshit and she loves dictators and some of this tune was changed after she met with trump, so to dismiss it as laughable is absurd.

She’s basically running as a dem candidate as Donald Trump. It’s not hard to see why some would conclude that is why.

Sounds like straight up MSM talking points to me cuz how fucking great is it for corporate media to get people believing that a current active duty service member who served in an Iraq combat zone is really a Russian asset? lmao! OMFG she’s against the industrial military complex and is spewing all this non interventionist BS. Don’t vote for her cuz she’s gotta be anti American and pro Russia! jfc

Btw I’m NOT a Tulsi supporter



Interesting points. On the other hand, how do you reconcile her position on Assad and her amplification of pro-Russian talking points?

I didn’t say it’s impossible to be a service member or ex service member to work for a foreign power. I said how great is it for Corporate media if they can smear an anti establishment Dem as one? Where’s the evidence?


idk why you’re invoking “Corporate media” here. afaict, the legacy media isn’t making any accusations, it’s us here on the internet.

I justify it in the same way I was against the Iraq war. Saddam Hussain was a brutal dictator, but I didn’t think we should go in and topple the government to institute a regime change. I see her position on Assad as similar. Doesn’t mean she likes him

I assume many here were pro Irag war and for our invasion? I don’t see much difference. Why shouldn’t we try diplomacy first before shedding the blood and lives our soldiers and foreign innocent civilians not to mentiok spending ridiculous amounts of money

I think the media loves war hawks. Maddow didn’t even try to hide her bias of HRC over Bernie in 2016 because of her foreign policy. Once upon a time in 2008 when I first started following politics as a teen, I thought Maddow was a REAL champion for progressives. Ha!

Could have fooled me.

Now you think Comrade Gabbard is a real champion for progressives…


even for emerson/rasmussen how the **** 34% black support. Women have to be like 95/5 against ffs. Oh that’s it, a male only poll biased to R’s, and still ehhhhh

Still 14-20% would be terrible for dems; he only got 8 vs Clinton.



Steyer, dafuq?