Who will run in 2020?

Warren benefits more from Bernie dropping out than Bernie benefits from Warren dropping out.


Itā€™s close though, Bernie has blue collar voters that may go to Biden (some of this may be dudes who donā€™t like Warren); and Warren going out would boost Pete quite a bit. In any case, one or the other dropping out needs to happen to beat Biden, and even then nobody is emerging to challenge Bidenā€™s appeal to olds and Democrats in the south, so they need Biden to self destruct a bit more.

Warren gave a big race speech today but it hasnā€™t been covered much.


ā€œAfter all these years I finally met myself. Thanks to James Adomian for making it possible.ā€

Love his ability to poke fun at himself. Try picturing Trump doing a similar segment. Laughed out loud at his ā€œyouā€™re doing it wrongā€¦ā€ line.



Something about a Bloomberg run. Is it possible that he gets lower TV rates or something if heā€™s formally running? I canā€™t imagine he think he has a shot, and if heā€™s fairly sophisticated Iā€™d think he has an angle heā€™s shooting, but I donā€™t know what it is.

That is amazing.


When asked if they would definitely vote for their candidate or if they could change their mind, Sanders supporters are the most committed to their preferred candidate as 71% of his supporters said they will definitely vote for him. 60% of Biden supporters, 46% of Warren supporters and 31% of Buttigieg supporters said the same.

Could a stutter explain this.?

MODERATOR : What responsibility do you think that Americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country?

BIDEN : Well, they have to deal with the ā€” look, thereā€™s institutional segregation in this country. From the time I got involved, I started dealing with that. Redlining banks, making sure we are in a position where ā€” look, you talk about education. I propose is we take the very poor schools, triple the amount of money we spend from $15 to $45 billion a year. Give every single teacher a raise to the $60,000 level.

Number two, make sure that we bring in to help the teachers deal with the problems that come from home. The problems that come from home, we have one school psychologist for every 1,500 kids in America today. Itā€™s crazy. The teachers are ā€” Iā€™m married to a teacher, my deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them. Make sure that every single child does, in fact, have 3, 4 and 5-year-olds go to school. Not day care, school.

Social workers help parents deal with how to raise their children. Itā€™s not that they donā€™t want to help, they donā€™t know what to play the radio, make sure the television ā€” excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the ā€” make sure that kids hear words, a kid coming from a very poor school ā€” a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time we get there.

MODERATOR : Thank you, Mr. Vice President.

BIDEN : No, Iā€™m going to go like the rest of them do, twice over. Because hereā€™s the deal. The deal is that weā€™ve got this a little backwards. By the way, in Venezuela, we should be allowing people to come here from Venezuela. I know Maduro. Iā€™ve confronted Maduro. You talk about the need to do something in Latin America. Iā€™m the guy that came up with $740 million, to see to it those three countries, in fact, changed their system to people donā€™t have to chance to leave. Youā€™re acting like we just discovered this yesterday. Thank you very much.


Not sure if

or if its like itsactuallyhappening.gif

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Iā€™d say itā€™s in the top 1% of the top 10% of the top 8% of videos Iā€™ve watched this week.

I mean the whole stutter article is bizarre anyway. Biden flatly denies that he still suffers from stuttering, but talks a bit about how it affected him as a teenager/kid. The author tries his best to find examples of how maybe Biden is lying and actually DOES still stutter, while peppering in a bunch of gratuitous ā€œI-I-I-I want to be clear about thisā€ that would be left out of any normal interview.

Like I think Biden is a person who has had some pretty terrible views over the years but seems like a good man to his friends and family, and has obviously gone through a lot of tragedy in his life. This humanizes him a bit in terms of his childhood but itā€™s a real reach to tie his obvious cognitive decline to his childhood stuttering.

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For committing the sin of attempting to humanize Joe Biden, I will now offer a peace offering by dunking on both Hillary and Mayor Pete.



Paying people to move to Wyoming (dress it up as charity, some kind of ā€œrural economic developmentā€ initiative), to get 2 senate seats, is far more efficient than whatever rich democrats are currently doing.


Random fact Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote.

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Ok, but Bernie.

AOC will have government experience when she runs for potus.

Also, Iā€™m not just talking about elected officials. Plenty of deep state, I mean professional civil servants, with lots of government experience.

And yeah, I would totally prefer 20 years at the Department of Transportation ending at the top of the civil service over Yangā€™s or Steyerā€™s or Bloombergā€™s or Williamsonā€™s resumes.


I :heart: AOC. Experience isnā€™t the only thing, but it matters. AOC in the race now would be in the top two for me. Sheā€™s actually humble enough that she doesnā€™t imagine she or only people just like her have all the answers. Like sheā€™d be way better than someone like Bloomberg just because of that irrespective of ideology.

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Are you feelintheBern? Iā€™m feelintheBern