Who will run in 2020?

My wife sent this to me a few hours ago. Good reminder than even the candidates are human beings (excluding the GOP).

Edit: added the parenthesis


Even Ted Cruz?

(I know heā€™s not running now, but he did in 2016)

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I mean, I watched him debate in 2008 and 2012 and he was sharp and charismatic and quick on his feet.

I didnā€™t read the article, but the premise sounds like bullshit to me.

Like, does the stutter make him forget where heā€™s going mid sentence and go ā€œā€¦ anyway, Iā€™m out of timeā€


Thank you. Fixed my post

Biden is the only human being running for POTUS who lobbied and voted for war in the ME, the war on drugs, mass incarceration, welfare reform, and the surveillance state.


Sanders needs to stay in to keep the eventual winner as far left as can be. If Warren canā€™t stay in also and canā€™t hoover up enough of the votes left by other candidates departing over time, then Warrenā€™s not going to win the general anyway, imo.

Thatā€™s only because he has a stutter so he wasnā€™t able to articulate his opposition to those things.


If you read the article, it addresses this to some extent. 1) Biden had a well documented stutter as a child. 2) A stutter can cause what appear to be illogical digressions or unusual syntax when the speaker realizes that the sentence they started to say is going to cause them to have to say a word where their stutter is particularly pronounced. 3) While stutters do not inherently get worse with age, there is a mental and even physical strain related to trying to control the stutter (so my own interpretation is that someone who is getting older might find it harder to cover up the symptoms).

Like I said, didnā€™t change my desire to have him as a President, but made him a little more understandable as a fellow human.

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First Iā€™ve heard of it and I wonā€™t make fun of him as much for it I guess.

Hereā€™s a 2012 speech of Bidenā€™s thatā€™s one of the most moving speeches Iā€™ve seen a politician do. Itā€™s hard for me to not believe what weā€™re seeing is age getting to him. On a human level, thereā€™s a lot to Joe Biden thatā€™s sympathetic and a lot of his folksiness seems genuine. Still donā€™t like his Neoliberal politics, donā€™t @ me.

The jobs not only havenā€™t come back but have gone away more than ever, and yet the same amount of people still love him. I think the racism was more important.


Yeah, that speech is great. Thereā€™s no shame in the fact that his time has come and gone. So it will for all of us.

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I donā€™t care that he canā€™t speak. I care that he thinks ā€œbe nice to Republicansā€ is a winning strategy, politically or otherwise.


Well, I DO care that he canā€™t speak. The job is President of the United States. Public speaking is in the job description. It counts.

ARGH how is he winning


Our elections are decided by stupid-ass midwestern olds. Maybe we can pump the brakes on THE FOUNDERS?

whatā€™s hilarious is the founders were 20-something coastal elites


Warren has more Bernie fans voting for her than Biden fans according to this. The majority of Bernie people have Warren as their second choice.


Was Ben Franklin the Bernie Sanders of the Founding Fathers?

pretty much