Who will run in 2020?

same pollster had biden +6 a month ago and all the dems slightly up. I don’t think Trump has magically gained 10 points in Wisconsin in a month so let’s just relax though yes, it’s a tough state in this cycle and everyone knows it. That said, that pollster has done one every month and Warren’s average is losing to Trump. (so is Pete, but who knows how much of that is name recognition issues) Bernie’s about even, Biden slightly up. Other people did polls, most of them were blue very slightly ahead.

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I can’t believe you’re going to watch a debate while the house is burning down!

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I sold my one messam drop out share at 2x what I paid for it because I thought he forgot he was running. What a mistake.


I guess, but I have some sympathy for the pre-frustration that comes with knowing that on a day when everyone is viscerally looking forward to kickign Trump’s ass out, during an event literally put on by the party looking to find the champion to do that kicking, we are almost assuredly going to get a couple of hours of a baker’s dozen of candidates loudly saying, “See? Even if we think we all suck!”

Sorry your candidate has shitty ideas and you don’t want them to get dunked on by superior candidates. Libs.

You know what’s way better? Constant reminders that it’s not possible to do anything good, so why bother even discussing the possibility.

Like these same people who are on iteration number 4628474 of WE GOT HIM and breathlessly follow impeachment stuff also, weirdly, just love telling the left that their stuff is just too unrealistic. It would need 60 votes in the Senate! Instead, let’s focus on this impeachment process which takes 67.


Seems like we’re discussing two different things.

There’s this weird thought that if we just get rid of Trump everything will be great in America. And the people that think that are super privileged folks that only care about the optics of a president. Obama put kids in cages and droned thousands of civilians but gosh darn it at least he didn’t call them rapists or shit hole countries.

America needs a leader that will actually fight to improve the lives of the majority rather than pay lip service while continuing to make the world a worse place.


There’s this weird thought that Obama was basically Trump but cool looking.

Sorry, I know Bernie seems legit, but the other candidates are still a whole lot better than Trump. And yes, getting rid of Trump is pretty important. That’d be dope if it’s Bernie who gets in, but Bernie or Bust, when bust = 4+ more years of Trump, is just crazytown talk to me.



lock the thread, we just won


So you’re saying the other candidates should stop attacking Bernie’s plans because it would increase the chance that Trump beats him? Brilliant, I agree.

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167million followers on IG, the most of any woman on Insta.

HIGH HOPES dancers in shambles

Prepared for this to re-surface: Ariana Grande says she’s sorry after licking doughnuts, saying ‘I hate America’

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I mean maybe? It seemed like your point was that the arguing at a debate would be a downer after what should be an uplifting day for Dems. My point is that these tweets talking about hurr durr these dumb Dems arguing over unrealistic policies that will never pass is way more depressing.

I think I’m finally Team Bernie. His supporters are insufferable but he combines:

  1. DGAF flamethrowing (though not enough)

  2. Very electable in the 5 states that matter

  3. Doesn’t flip flop

  4. Genuinely likable dude


Also managed to make hugging Grande seem not creepy.

Biden would have made it weird, if her security let him within 20 feet of her.


Pics of Trump, pics of Roseambien Barr, video of her spitting after an aborted attempt at the National Anthem, nobody cares

I’m not saying anyone cares, just get ready to hear about it again is all.

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It’s weird, there are a million things that would derail a candidacy in a past life but now it’s all cult of personality

I agree we will hear more about it, probably soon

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