Who will run in 2020?


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What is the point here? Seriously. Because Trump is a criminal we shouldnā€™t talk about what weā€™ll do when a dem finally takes office?

This is the moderate Democratā€™s version of ā€œits too soon to talk about gun controlā€ after a shooting. Just transparent hand waving to avoid talking about issues where they hold an immoral position.


That they donā€™t want to pay more in taxes.

Itā€™s a form of maintaining power. For those with power (broadly, ā€œcentristsā€), there will always be a reason why ā€œnowā€ is the wrong time to talk about structural change, because it threatens their power.

Itā€™s also bullshit.


I wonder what Tulsi will say about impeachaments tonight.

Iā€™m at an all-day offsite thing today, and as this morningā€™s opening speaker walked onto stage they played a few seconds of HIGH HIGH HOPES, causing me to involuntarily but audibly groan. Got some disgusted looks from the people around me. Thanks, Pete.


I thought this was the song everyone was talking about for like half a day.

A very appropriate song for my day today. I had a great day money wise both in terms of present $ and future $, and Trump is having a truly awful time. Honestly I need to set a reminder to remember today on 11/20/2020. Itā€™s going to be tough to have a better day this day next year.



This opinion piece is generally where Iā€™d land

I donā€™t want to ruin any1ā€™s day but

Without an Arizona or NC? offset, this alone means he gets reelected

We still have a good shot at Walter Reed.

booker +1 but trump kicking everyone else makes no sense. some of that is name recognition (ie, klob wouldnā€™t actually get slaughtered in wisconsin) but yes the trump +3ā€™s arenā€™t ideal.

There was a Biden +4 GA poll yesterday over trump, that is an acceptable swap. They really might flip AZ, GA but lose forever WI which also means thereā€™s a fight in MN/NH.

(I think MI still goes blue) Winning GA means they can lose WI/MN/NH if they hang on PA/MI. (and NV)

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I hear your point, but I think youā€™re kind of missing the sentiment of the two Tweets. I think the feeling that comes across is that on a day when people might actually look at the Dem field hoping to see them represent some kind of hope for change and fresh air after the removal of a fraud, charlatan, and criminal, they will instead annoyingly trade canned wonk-barbs about detailed plans that no one wants to really hear about today and that canā€™t be expalined with any effectiveness in the format anyway.

I think itā€™s a very specific form of the ā€œWatch the Washington Dem-erals take this monumental gift and dunk it into their opponentsā€™ basketā€ frustration.


exactly. hereā€™s a good analogy:

I guess it just doesnā€™t matter. Maybe I wonā€™t vote in the primary.

Any logical reason why Cory Booker is outperforming the top of the Democratic field in Wisconsin? If it was due to black voters, youā€™d expect Biden to do well too - unless all the coverage of Hunter/Burisma is damaging his candidacy. The only thing I can think of is that Republican voters are more familiar with the others (Klobuchar due to proximity, the other four due to being at the top of the race) and Booker is somewhat unknown, so unknown Dem > Trump, but Dem subject to attacks < Trump. Hopefully this is at the tail end of the margin of error and the actual race is more of a tossup, which is still scary.

The really concerning thing in that poll is Trumpā€™s got a floor of 44 across all six polls, while the Dems have a ceiling of 45 across all six.

If the shift is whiter, traditionally blue states toward Trump and browner, traditionally red states toward Dems, that is a very bad trade in 2020 for us. Say Dems take PA and lose WI, MI, and MN, theyā€™re down 296-242. Swinging NC and AZ only gets you to a 270-268 defeat. You still need one more state. Also those flips are much tougher if the GOP incumbents are overseeing the elections.

In theory, but swapping a tossup WI for a tossup GA is bad for Dems even though GA has more electoral votes. WI is more likely to have a fair election than GA, and the correlation of MN to WI is significant. I suppose thereā€™s a NC-GA correlation as well, but even with a Dem governor in NC Iā€™m more wary about GOP shenanigans in the south in former confederate states.

These WI polls are terrifying. They highlight the risk of a scenario where Trump gets absolutely shellacked in the popular vote and eeks out 270-280 electoral votes.

If he does well in those whiter midwestern states and the Dems get near misses in places like AZ, TX, GA, NC that could widen the popular vote gap by half a million votes, and huge turnout in places like CA and NY could tack on even more. Dems could win the popular vote by 6+ million and lose the electoral college.

yea, I mean it really sucks that a bunch of dems are going to spend tonight telling us that the good healthcare plan is actually bad and we need to stick with the GOP plan, instead of just agreeing that the good plan is good.


On the topic of the debate, itā€™s also, you know, a debate. Thereā€™s really not much for the Democratic candidates to debate regarding the impeachment of Trump.

With the exception of Tulsi. And Iā€™d rather see Bernie, Liz, Pete and Biden argue about healthcare with each other than Tulsi argue against impeachment (or be lukewarm on it) or get into some fine both sidesing.

So, like, unless we just want to give every candidate 10 minutes to rail on Trump like a stump speech, I donā€™t really get it. I guess you could argue for rescheduling the debate, but Trumpā€™s impeachment and crimes and misconduct are going to be in the news constantly, so we might as well cancel all the debates if thatā€™s the case.

If anything, the Dems were stupid to schedule these hearings on the same day as the debate. They should have scheduled the bombshell hearings the day after the debate.

But, Dems gonna Dem.

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Welp I gotta update the spreadsheet again.
