Who will run in 2020?

Point me to a specific poll that concerns you.

Itā€™s absolutely disgusting that you continue insinuating that people here are against Pete because he is gay. This isnā€™t the first time.


dude, thatā€™s not my tweet.

Iā€™m not insinuating people here areā€¦Iā€™m insinuating that it exists. Trust me, it exists.

Ok well ā€œman you guys have been attacking Pete a lot while Iā€™ve been gone. I could respond to that but I wonā€™t. Instead, apropos of nothing, hereā€™s a tweet talking about how people only attack Pete because heā€™s gayā€ definitely comes across as implying something about the discussion that took place here.


You seem like a genuinely good person and I admire your passion and your willingness to get out there and do something, but Pete is a legitimate disgrace to the Democratic Party. His health care views alone are disqualifying.


Of course it exists. And itā€™s his job as a candidate to figure a way around it or win in spite of it.

If he doesnā€™t win, Iā€™m not interested in setting up the narrative that he would have won if not for that darned homophobia. We need a candidate and campaign that can appeal to stupid voters, not a candidate and campaign that would have won if only people werenā€™t stupid.



In 2012, two months after taking office, Buttigieg fired black Police Chief Darryl Boykins for allegedly taping his white senior officersā€™ phone calls in an attempt to catch them using racist language, the New York Times reported. Critics argued that Buttigieg, who is white, took the side of white officers who accused Boykins of wrongdoing. Heā€™s replaced Boykins with two white police chiefs. At the time, some in the community called for Buttigieg to be impeached over his handling of the matter, South Bendā€™s WNDU reported.

Yeah no racism issues here though.


While much of South Bend is white, 40 percent of the cityā€™s roughly 100,000 people are black and Latinx, according to recent census estimates. A city-commissioned study on racial inequalities in the city from 2017 found the black population in South Bend has higher levels of poverty and unemployment than the country. About 40 percent of black residents are living below the poverty line, and thereā€™s an 11 percent unemployment rate in that community.

Buttigiegā€™s ā€œ1,000 Houses in 1,000 Days,ā€ a project to knock down vacant and abandoned homes to develop the town, has been criticized for disregarding the communities of color ā€” something Buttigieg has acknowledged.

The housing project reportedly sowed some early distrust between Buttigieg and the communities of color. The homes that were destroyed were primarily in black and Latinx neighborhoods. The program pressured homeowners to repair the homes by raising fees and fines on code violations. If the repairs werenā€™t made, the homes were leveled. The city didnā€™t knock down homes that had residents, but in some cases, the policy meant the city was bulldozing homes that people of color had bought as investment property with hopes of renovating and improving down the line.

That said, as Zack Beauchamp wrote, Buttigieg did address some of the communitiesā€™ immediate concerns by giving out grants to residents to make repairs.

As a person who has been watching this race, and others, for a long time, Iā€™m really interested in the overall themes I see emerging.

Saying certain candidates are republicans is laughable and I would argue that the people who say things like that are the true disgrace to the ā€œpartyā€. Peteā€™s policies are further left than Obamaā€™s ever were, and if he won, heā€™d be the most progressive president ever elected. Same with everyone in the race except maybe Biden, Bloomberg, or Patrick (ugh, those last two).

Youā€™re gonna cancel me for this, but i swear to god, I totally understand why this country is so polarized, and it isnā€™t only the far rightā€™s fault. Running around calling anyone who isnā€™t 100% in lockstep with your rose-twitter beliefs a republican or a racist is a sure way to alienate a fuck ton of people.

I am seeing the exact same types of disinformation campaigns going around in 2019 (against every candidate) we saw going around in 2016. We have legitimately learned nothing. We havenā€™t learned how to read past clickbait, we havenā€™t learned to find unbiased or primary sources, and we havenā€™t learned to dig deeper than 280 characters.

The subtle homophobia Iā€™m seeing isnā€™t unlike the subtle misogyny I see against female candidates. Iā€™m not talking about outright slurs (there are plenty of those, too). Iā€™m talking about the general undercurrent of reporting.

@champ if you hired someone, then you found out from the FBI that they were investigating that new hire, what would you do? What if your new hire failed to mention that investigation at allā€¦


Cite to FBI comment?

Also why do you keep bringing up homophobia? WTF?

sorry, keep forgetting that a lot of this stuff was posted on the other board before the move here.

also, demoted, and the guy retired with honors in 2017, but the headlines say fired, so ok.

To be clear: I am not saying itā€™s not problematic. I am saying there is more to this story than boiling it down to he sided with white cops against a black chief.

Nice job @skydiver8!

Iā€™m no party preference and vote by mail and thanks for the heads up! Last time, last minute, I had to go to some office 30 minutes away to vote in the primary.

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the little cards should be going out in the next couple of weeks, FYI


Sky, I am interested to know what things would disqualify (or even just knock down a peg) Pete as your candidate of choice? What particular policy stance that would cross a line for you? Given that he had been very vague about his policy early on and talked in a more philosophical way, Iā€™m curious to see the response of his supporters as he reveals more of his hand, so to speak. For example, one of my friends stopped supporting Pete after he elaborated on his stance on M4A and how to get there (via Medicare For All Who Want it). As another example, many here on unstuck dropped Warren down a peg after she started talking about a public option to get to M4A.

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Yeah I donā€™t understand the heat over the Kenyan woman pic, like, at all.

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Some of us are calling him GOPete, and yet still are 100% voting for him if he wins and calling other people bad people if they donā€™t get in line and vote for him in the general if he wins. Itā€™s not our fault heā€™s using GOP talking points to attack M4A for his own personal political gain. Iā€™ve seen posters here defend him from attacks of racism. He may be tone-deaf but heā€™s not racist - I donā€™t know whether the repeat issues on race are a coincidence or not, but one has to allow for the possibility that itā€™s not.

Anyway, I think itā€™s kind of ridiculous to attack people on the left for being polarizing and alienating people. Like holy shit, the far right nominated Trump, won the general election, and got a bunch of nutjob judges. The degree to which they are responsible for polarizing the country versus the degree to which people like those of us here who donā€™t fully support Pete are polarizing the country should not even be comparable.

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Itā€™s just the most viscerally cringeworthy part of the story.

To be fair to Pete I donā€™t have any more sympathy for a black guy that squats on a vacant investment property waiting for the market to improve before rehabbing and flipping it than I do a white guy that does the same thing. Itā€™s bad for neighborhoods.