Who will run in 2020?

Considering he’s batting 1.000 on my policy top 4 (i’d say 5, but he doesn’t have a detailed immigration policy out yet), I’m not sure. I also tend to value policy minutiae less than most of the folks 'round these parts on everything except perhaps trade and foreign policy. If he had said he wanted to continue the privatization of the VA, that would have knocked him down. But he didn’t. If he comes out in favor of the border separations, yeah, he’d be done. But I also know that isn’t gonna happen, lol.

There are a few things I actually either disagree with him on or just need to see more. I’m disappointed that neither his climate plan nor his rural plan mention water rights in western states, and he’s going to get asked about it in CA eventually, if not Nevada or Colorado. He hasn’t talked about immigration enough. Also, I have some complaints about his campaign strategy…like why he’s not planted his butt in South Carolina. That recent SC poll shows that 60% of black voters in SC don’t know enough about him to make a decision. that’s telling, and something they need to fix. Get on that stupid bus and take a 10-day all-access tour around there, man, come on.

I supported him early because of his understanding of political philosophy, not in spite of it. That hasn’t changed. I’m a big-picture voter, which is why his willingness to spend his day 1 political capital on democracy reform above all else is my winning issue.

Pete tells a story in his book about a conservative lady that lives near him that came to a local barbeque. This was after he’d started dating Chasten. The lady said she’d met his “friend” earlier and that she thought he was very nice. Pete says he could have easily started schooling the lady on how Chasten was his fiance, not just his friend, and the difference between a friend and a romantic partner, but instead, realized how big a step it was for her, and how she was working to internally accept something new and different. So he let it go. We can choose to browbeat people with our wokeness, or we can choose to invite them to the right side of history.

It’s taken me a lifetime of living as a liberal in conservative “spaces” (military. skydiving. poker. The midwest. California’s 50th district) to realize that all the angry fighting back I was doing when I heard something i disagreed with wasn’t working. Yelling at people and calling them terrible names isn’t going to win them over. Yeah, some of them deserve it, but a lot of them don’t. It’s time, I think, to become a little more discerning so we can welcome people who are changing their minds, rather than pushing them away.

With that, I’ll leave the insulting of candidates to y’all…I’m not going to do it anymore.

Setting aside anything about candidates, how do you feel about the fact that people on the other side don’t look at it the way you do. When they go low, we go high, they go lower. They are going to keep taking and taking until there’s nothing left.

How do you reconcile your opinion that we should be nice and welcoming to bigots, etc. with that? Serious question. I used to think the same way you do, but I realized it was futile and it’s not worth my time to engage with people like that.

But I agree with you. There are bigots who aren’t worth engaging at all.

But I’m talking about the people who voted that way that aren’t bigots. The ones who are changing their minds. The ones who regret their vote for trump and freely admit it, only to get pounced on by people on our side as being irredeemable.

Like the lady in Pete’s story. Was she a bigot/homophobic? Maybe? But exposure to someone that might change her worldview is a good thing, and her willingness to open her mind just that smidgen to let a new thought in should be encouraged, rather than slamming it back shut by calling her out on it.

Touring Europe in an NBC sponsored fundraising trip? I wonder what his position on netneutrality is, let me guess… netneutrality-for-all-who-want-it?


he’s asked about it toward the end of the video I posted.

also, if you’re a tech nerd, this is a great interview.


No video on the link and not trying to be rude but may want to provide a time stamp.

bleh, sorry, that’s usually a good site, but they seem to have dropped the ball on that one. here’s the youtube:

and here’s Pete himself:


his answer to a question about it in San Diego is at 31:25 in my video

To bring it back to unstuck…as the admin of a grassroots group on facebook, we have a closed group of all the other social media admins for the different groups around the country (both local areas for Pete and interest groups, like Women for Pete, Nerds for Pete, etc. facebook is weird).

Now that Pete is rising in the polls, we’re seeing an influx of concern trolls. many of these facebook folks are not as internet-savvy as we are here (they’d never heard of concern trolling!), so today i had the privilege of introducing them to the term “JAQing off” :stuck_out_tongue:


@skydiver8 Did you choreograph the dance?

Republicans are complete scumbags but they will definitely start being nice when the gay guy is president because he will ask nicely

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That’s a nice video and all, but I don’t know why at 7:10 they push out some dork to take the stage when the person who should be running for President is done speaking.


lol, i don’t dance.

I know who did, though, and why. It was choreographed to be inclusive to the disabled.

Blue checks on twitter can shit on the candidates all they want, but going after staff and supporters and organizers is a fucking low blow, and that whole thing pisses me off more than I can express. Especially when other campaigns get in on the hate.

I would bet my entire net worth that you would never see Pete or his senior staff disparaging another candidate’s supporters for showing their joy about their campaign/candidate.

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His policy is pretty good on this. I’m still quite skeptical due to his fundraising. All the best.

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For serious, how is it the Dems didn’t embrace legalizing weed like 15-20 years ago? I genuinely have never met anyone under 70 years old who was adamant that cannabis should be illegal. I know fucking practicing Mormons who think it should be legalized. I have no clue what this mystery constituency is that everyone is pandering to. A defining characteristic of the Boomers is that they grew up smoking ditch grass and listening to the Stones-- what is this mysterious voter base that’s demanding we keep jazz cigarettes illegal and somehow has a stranglehold on both parties? Does anyone know actual people like that?

This is just example #4,080 of Dems being criminally incompetent: they should have pounced on the Legalize It bandwagon a decade ago. Get the South Park stonerbros and black people and aging hippies together on this and you just can’t lose an election.


Problem is, in the past you just hit the trifecta of people who won’t show up and vote. I’m optimistic that this election will (finally) be the exception.



I think these people will absolutely show up to vote if it’s in their self-interest. I’m cynical that way. Suburban South Park stonerbros don’t give a single fuck about children getting taken away from asylum seekers, but tell them they could have legalized weed and they’re going to camp out early on election day like it’s a new fucking iphone. Dems have just fundamentally forgotten the concept of people selfishly voting in their self-interest.

For real, how many people do you encounter in your day-to-day life who think weed should be illegal? Hillary running on a pro-weed campaign absolutely crushes Trump in 2016. The hell of it is, Republicans are probably going to figure this out eventually and run on a pro-weed platform and then the Dems are absolutely fucked.


Reminder, it was 2000-fucking-8 when Joe Biden accidentally blundered out the fact that he really was okay with gay marriage. The official White House position at the time was that it wasn’t. That’s about where we are with legalized cannabis: the politics are decided by cowardly oldsters who are decades behind public sentiment. For real, the 2020 Dem nom would absolutely be against gay marriage if Joe hadn’t let his guard down and accidentally said the right thing.

Don’t disagree with any of this - as I noted, I’m optimistic that this will be the time they all show up.



Wife: Oh, honey, someone liked your post… from three weeks ago.
Deuce: Yeah, that’ll be 6ix.


@skydiver8 Pete may not be my 1st choice candidate, or 2nd, or 3rd, but just wanted to say that it’s awesome to see you not only involved in the campaign you believe in but having the opportunity to introduce him at an event! Regardless of the outcome I’m sure that’s an experience you will always remember and value.