Who will run in 2020?

Good polling uses weighting to correct for demographically unrepresentative samples.

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ā€œMedicare for all who want itā€ sounds fine, but I think it falls short of ā€œabolish all private insuranceā€ both in moral terms AND in practicality of implementation. In this case, I donā€™t care that the general public ā€˜likesā€™ their private insuranceā€“these companies profit by denying needed care, which is morally wrong and should not be supported. Additionally, we need to simplify our system, and a forced single-payer solution is as simple as it gets.

If Joe Biden wants to move leftward to ā€œMedicare for all who want it,ā€ Iā€™ll applaud his moveā€“while still thinking heā€™s total shit and hoping his primary bid fails completely. But we need more Dems out there saying ā€œprivate insurance is bad, we support single payer,ā€ not fewer, and I donā€™t want to see mediocre poll results causing Dem candidates to start the healthcare debate from a compromise position.

TL/DR: fuck the polls imo

Except thereā€™s massive proof he is.

I donā€™t think for a moment that Pete is anti-Black people, and I think even ā€œcluelessā€ is probably hyperbole, however I do think that his actions have shown at least an ignorance about race that points to a legitimate issue in an era of increased desire for social justice. I think pointing out this ignorance is a fair criticism.

My only problem with keeping private insurers around is that it gives a lot of opportunities for providers to either outright refuse to accept Medicare, or to provide preferential treatment for privately insured individuals. If we can effectively legislate against that and enforce that legislation then Iā€™m fine with allowing private insurers to exist, I just donā€™t really trust that will be the case.

Itā€™s not a compromise position if itā€™s what most of the party wants!

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We can move this to the healthcare thread, but I think an additional problem with keeping private insurers around is that denial-of-coverage remains incentivized due to the profit motives inherent in these corporations, i.e. weā€™ve reduced the problem but not eliminated it. Iā€™d rather fight to eliminate the problem.

Maybe we can keep private, supplemental plans for something like cosmetic surgeries, where no risk to life exists due to an issue going untreated, idk.

I didnā€™t mean ā€œcompromiseā€ as in compromise with Republicans, I meant it more as compromising away from the ideal solution to get to a less-good solution. In this case, weā€™d be compromising with ourselvesā€“I agree. (I think you stated above, and I think these polls show that many Dems might agree with you, that something short of single-payer is the ā€œideal solutionā€ā€“I just think this position is wrong and no amount of poll results will change that, and therefore I donā€™t want anyone who thinks that single-payer is ideal to compromise that position just due to poll results.)

The idea is that the problem will be eliminated once the Medicare for All/government insurance is proven to be effective. You stack the deck such that Medicare/government insurance is the no brainer option, leaving private insurance as an option only to assuage people who are psychologically risk/change averse. After a few years, these change averse people see that Medicare for All/government insurance is superior and switch on their own. Voila, private insurance is virtually gone and you accomplished it w/ massive political support.

Stacking the deck in Medicare/government insuranceā€™s favor should be no problem for politicians who want to to do so since it can be massively subsidized by the government.

In reality, if thatā€™s the only viable path to single-payer, I guess it is what is. But Iā€™m wary because this:

also means that it can be massively un-subsidized by the government. I do not trust the American people to not vote in Republicans, and once in I do not trust those Republicans to honor the aspects of the law that are necessary to make things worth (see, Obamacare). If the deck gets un-stacked, does this still become a viable path to single-payer? Perhaps, but I donā€™t think so.

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And one of the reasons why people (even on the left-ish side) are wary of single payer is that the Republicans can mess with that system too if they are in power. Obviously, the more people on Medicare the harder it will be to do, but Rā€™s arenā€™t going to want to pay for these types of programs even if private insurance doesnā€™t exist. Theyā€™ll still try to cut the budget, prohibit negotiations with pharmaceutical companies, prevent coverage of birth control while funneling money to crisis pregnancy centers, allow religiously-affiliated institutions to turn away patients, and all of their current shenanigans.

They can try to do all of that regardless what system is in place, so letā€™s just implement the best system. The system that will be incredibly popular with the American public if implemented. The system that will make it the most difficult for Republicans to mess with because of how popular it will be.


Seems problematic

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Thatā€™s a lot to make up, and also a lot of make up (on Jake Tapper)


Does M4A have to mean abolishing all private insurance? Iā€™m for a public tier that is single-payer with rationed health care that would allow for private supplemental insurance for people who want to be able to skip waiting lines and similar stuff.

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No, I think thatā€™s about as fair as you get in current pollingā€¦ But thereā€™s still no explanation of some of the benefits of single payer, and most people probably donā€™t know the particulars. So it speaks to the question of where weā€™d be if Democrats were actually trying to educate the public on these things.

This still shows a majority of Americans supporting it, and that itā€™s been as high as 59-38 which is +21 favorability, which is fantastic.

Sure, but itā€™s not going to be free under any of the plans the candidates are proposing.

If thatā€™s the case I want to see what their model looks likeā€¦ because it sure looks to me like they arenā€™t polling people under 40 almost at all.

too much for me to catch up/comment on. Itā€™s pointless anyway. I can try to offer facts to correct narratives but weā€™ve seen how well that works.


Since this place is basically twitter with no character limit, thatā€™s how Iā€™m going to post from now on.

have a video. In which yours truly has a bit part.



Congrats Sky. No matter how this may eventually turn out, there are many here who are very happy for you.

Yeah people are turning on Pete because heā€™s gay and doing better in a white state. Continue ignoring the racism and bullshit policies.