Who will run in 2020?

This is one of those things where “realists” say these things are complicated and you don’t understand what it takes to make these kind of changes, but the Dems who aren’t willing to call for abolishing ICE (like Bernie and Liz) or something radical, just aren’t going to change much at all.


calling for abolishing ICE would be a massive campaign blunder. So would let’s take away the guns. Or Biden’s position on weed.

The M4A stuff is irrel I guess, no matter who wins dem nomination, even bernie will immediately pretend that never happened in the general. It’s 60’s negative in the key states according to many polls.

Lmao at Bernie forgetting about m4a, c’mon mane. The fact that he won’t forget, even if it’s politically untenable, is literally the best reason to vote for him and is the primary reason he resonates with voters.


I agree with this. A lot of people, Democratic voters included, have reprehensible views on immigration.

I would love to see some of these polls and how they’re worded.


How do you feel about paying $52 trillion dollars in taxes and losing your private healthcare?

Strongly in favor
in favor
strongly against


Seriously there are a lot of really bad polls that people are just accepting automatically ITT.

If they called more than 10% land lines they are under representing people under 50 just for starters. If they called during work hours they are further under representing younger people who have to work to pay rent.

A big part of why turnout is so low is that candidates listen to these polls and run on platforms that appeal to the people being polled. The people being polled are older and whiter than the general population.

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LMAO @ all of them are really bad polls. You guys are special.

Anyway, Steyer now just donors away from dec debate and yang one poll away.

I mean if there are systemic problems with the polls they’d be all of them wouldn’t they?

I’m not saying they are hugely off, but I’d really like to see where they show what the demographics of the respondents are vs the voters in the 2018 cycle… And I’d like to see how those demographics stack up vs the expected voters in 2020 under a variety of scenarios.



16 way HORSE for the nom?


Beautiful release point. Textbook



Here’s an example poll of registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters from <3 months ago:

(Monmouth University, https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_US_082619/)

I think the language here is fine and the results are consistent with the claim that most Democrats do not actually favor eliminating/prohibiting private insurance coverage.

Do you think this question, as asked, is biased on a particular way? It doesn’t seem like it is to me.


But… all of the Democratic candidates are voluntarily using the term Medicare? And if it biases Democrats, I’m not sure it’s a negative bias:

How about this:

I think the best case scenario is here:

Among Democrats, Medicare-for-all gets some degree of support from 71%. But I dont think there’s any evidence that Democrats (let alone Republicans) really would prefer a single-payer system without any private insurers if only it were properly described.

(The KFF set of polls is pretty interesting and is worth reading: Public Opinion on Single-Payer, National Health Plans, and Expanding Access to Medicare Coverage | KFF)

Polls are biased unless you get the response you like reminds me of no one in particular

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Medicare for all who want it is fine imo if it’s decent care and it’s free. Same deal with public vs. private K-12.

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I think exactly this.

More specifically, this is both my preferred outcome in substance and what I think the best messaging is. I think there’s virtually no upside to proclaiming that you want to abolish private health insurers, and lots of downside.

If it’s free I agree.

And while Mayor Pete is not in my top 2 or 3 or maybe 4 candidates, I want to keep getting those likes from @skydiver8, so… making it out like he’s anti-Black people or even clueless about race is ridiculous. It’s the same kind of slander that the Hillary stans used on Bernie last time.