Who will run in 2020?

African-American citizens of South Bend: This Pete guy has a racial justice problem

White centrist establishment Dems: You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Pete: Hold my Beer

Don’t jinx me bro. I owe Wookie $100 if that happens.

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If that happens I’ll seriously start voting third party after I reluctantly pull the lever for Biden in 2020 (because obv I gotta help turn Texas blue to beat Trump).

Hell I’ll probably become a full blown activist for a third party with my entire thing being pushing for the end of the duopoly.

I’m really reaching a point where I hate the Democrats. Not as much as I hate the Republicans obviously, but hate is the right word. Not a fun place to be.

HRC, not Biden.

Never gonna happen under FPTP.

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This. The only way forward is an AOC-style takeover of the party.

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Electing an independent who caucuses with the Dems would be a good move.


Does anybody tell him in the 2200 posts I have to catch up on? Wait, don’t spoil it.

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I love me a 6ix grunchfest but jeez, this could get messy.

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Nah, I’m turning over a new nongrunching leaf. Maybe one more.

This might actually matter

Cliffs: Decades ago, FL Dems passed a law where the names of the candidates of the current party in the governor’s mansion appear atop the ballot in every race. Dems pushes this law through when they were a permanent majority and it has allegedly been biting them in the ass since before 2000 at least.


How did someone figure out that the person in a picture used by Pete’s campaign was from Kenya? Was it a picture of Barack Obama?





So if you want to organize to end the eDems dominance of the party, it’s not via a third party. Run for something or volunteer for someone along the lines of AOC who’s running for something.

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Yes he will, he’s not an evil monster the likes of Trump.


No, he’s much better at wearing his mask.

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It’s harder to stop doing evil than it is to not do it in the first place. Obama kept all kinds of black sites, NSA, prosecuted whistleblowers, tonsof immigrant detention, bombing the middle east, etc… It will take real devotion to the issue to stop terrible things at the border rather than just improve things a tiny bit and have everyone just forget about it.

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Y’all are smoking that weed Joe Biden warned us about if you think any of the candidates are gonna keep Miller’s family separation policy.


They officially won’t, but there will still be kids in cages.