Who will run in 2020?

I mean, think about the reactions Hillary stans would get on this board. Is it really surprising that they were reduced to hiding in secret, 3-million-person facebook groups to talk about their love for HRC?

Hint: it wasn’t just to hide from the trump trolls.

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I’m for purity tests too. I don’t get how they’re supposed to be inherently bad.

Stage 1 of my purity filtration: any candidate who won’t free all the kids from border jail is instantly disqualified. AKA the “Not a fucking monster” test. Would anyone here complain about that one?


Is it really surprising that they were reduced to hiding in secret, 3-million-person facebook groups to talk about their love for HRC?

What does this refer to?

That’s a bullshit way to frame it.

Also bullshit. How’s a doctor going to elect NOT to take the ONLY major form of health insurance in the country?

We’ll have to fight this anyway if we want to make the slightest improvement to the ACA.

Yes, she sold out her supposedly principled position in order to play electoral political games because being POTUS is more important to her than getting her policies enacted. Hence she’s a threat to change any/every position if/when it’s politically convenient for her to gain/maintain power.

Guess what that means? It means she’s not doing shit to big tech. It means she’s moving farther and farther to the middle on healthcare in the general and in office. It means the wealth tax is a bunch of stump speech bullshit and her tax policy will probably be more milquetoast. Etc etc etc…

Because when push comes to shove, she just showed us her priorities.

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Well, it’s a secret, clearly.

Pantsuit Nation, which, at the time, was a secret.

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I mean, think about the reactions Trumpers would get on this board. Is it really surprising that they are reduced to occasional drive bys and their r/TheDonald groups and such to discuss their love of Trump?

Like, what is your point? That we should be nicer to people who are more interested in their own personal power than fighting for the working class? That we should be nicer to corporate Dems?

Why? They’re not on our side. And I say that as a relative moderate compared to a lot of people here in terms of a pure left/right spectrum. But they’re not on the side of the people, they’re on the side of Facebook, Apple, Wall Street, Bain Capital, etc, etc.


Why would anybody do that polling? Nobody will have to switch their doctors.

On the other hand a lot of people with shitty insurance networks will be able to go to good doctors for the first time in their lives.


Oh NOW Barack has something to say.

If you think Hillary is as good as we can do you deserve scorn. Period.


Are you blaming the people who do the polls or me?

They’re going to take the other major form of health insurance, money. There will definitely be people who will lose access to their doctors if their doctors do not want to accept M4A.

Almost certainly not. Democrats are already doing very well with running on the ACA, and running on improving it is probably the best play in the narrow interest of winning the next cycle.

I can’t begin to respond to the leaps you’re making here, so I’ll just say in Robert the Bruce’s voice that this is “rage, not courage”. And before you say LOL, Robert the Bruce was the unprincipled guy who betrayed William Wallace, that’s the whole point of the movie! No, the whole point is that Braveheart is fantasy land, this is not how any of this works, and it was Robert the Bruce, a ruthless, kind of murdery guy, who kicked the shit out of England, not Mel Gibson in a kilt and blue face paint. (They didn’t have kilts back then anyway)


Just lol at Obama coming out after three years of retirement to tell young people to shut up. OK, Boomer.



fucking terrible

The people who wrote the poll for the framing, and if you are citing it to preach about the ills of going for M4A now then you as well.

This is a ridiculous take. What percentage of people are going to choose to pay out of pocket for medical care? You’re talking about like 1% of people maybe.

No, no, no. This doesn’t inspire voters. And the GOP will still fight it tooth and nail in the next Congress.

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Wait, this is not real life?

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If you stay home rather than voting for Pete over Trump, you’re a bad person. Full stop.


The Pete hate is f’ing unreal.


Iowa 3.4% black lol


God damn, and this is supposed to be the gold standard Iowa pollster. White Midwesterners run our country.

Maybe Unstuck can get his ear once Skydiver is Secretary of Labor.

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