Who will run in 2020?

Pete takes votes from Biden and Warren. The Bernie people should absolutely love him.

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Letā€™s get clearer then, referencing a poll (I didnā€™t directly cite one, but I can if you like) that asks people something like ā€˜do you support M4A even if it means private insurance will be eliminatedā€™ is a bullshit way to attempt to understand whether people will support M4A even if it means private insurance will be eliminated?

You seem to be making the claim that nobody will experience a disruption in their health care under M4A, whether thatā€™s which doctor they see or how often or with what delay. Iā€™m not a healthcare policy guy, but this seems like a mind-bottling claim that I hope you just retract, because Iā€™d rather finish watching El Camino atm than fish for vox articles that may help my point.

To emphasize, this is not to say donā€™t do M4A because some people may experience disruptions. This is to say, some people may experience disruptions, but thatā€™s ok because itā€™s almost infinitely better that many many more people will get decent healthcare.

Did Democrats run on M4A in 2018 and I missed it? Iā€™d like some empirical information about what inspires voters, not just what inspires you.

Itā€™s fucking insane how much energy Dems and Republicans put into Iowa. Entire electoral system is inexcusably broken at every level.


Just stopping by to say that I was one of the people in that CNN poll just posted.

Also lol Iowa voters

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How much did Steyer pay you?


I gave him an unfavorable opinion, as I did the majority of the Democratic field. Democrats suck, but theyā€™re at least less bad than Republicans.

Very favorable - Warren, Sanders, Castro
Mostly favorable - Yang, Booker

Some level of unfavorable- every other candidate except Sestak who got a not sure because Iā€™d literally never heard of him prior to that poll.

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They must be really bad at keeping secrets

well, after the convention they acknowledged its existence. itā€™s still private, though, and tightly moderated.

A private Facebook group is so Hillary


Honestly, itā€™s mostly women telling personal stories of overcoming hardship now. Back then though, it was mostly women telling stories of having to deal with incoming hatred from both sides.

I joined because i was invited and wanted to see what it was abut. It actually changed my feelings about Hillary a little.

And she didnā€™t start it. it was a couple of random supporters.

People who hate the electoral college should hate the primary process we currently have at least equally. Except unlike the nation writ large the parties have the ability to fix it.

The Kilt is an English invention

Is GOPete pro choice? I know heā€™s super religious, so just checking.

Very strongly. He also supports repealing the Hyde Amendment.

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Just read he wants to increase defense spending?!?!?!


lol cherry picking stats

how about the last time someone vaulted into the lead in Iowa in Nov when they werenā€™t there before, how did they do? Say Obama 2007 or so, I can cherry pick too.

Warren tried to run on what you all wanted and got wrecked by Pete in Iowa for it.

Iā€™ve literally never heard him say this. You can read my long posts about ā€œdefense spendingā€ in this very thread. If thereā€™s one stupid thing in my life I wish I knew less about, itā€™s the DoD budget and acquisition process. But it also means I know enough to not take any candidateā€™s promises of cutting or increasing defense spending seriously.

if DoD funding increases because of stupid shit like the F-35, then yeah, thatā€™s terrible. But if DoD funding increases because they want to switch to clean energy and build more childcare centers, then good. You canā€™t just come in and make a sweeping general statement that youā€™re going to cut the defense budget, because then what ends up happening is that the F-35 stays and the cuts come from the childcare centers and clean energy initiatives.

I know this is pointless, but heā€™s put out a pretty comprehensive veterans plan.


Right because theyā€™re all in the pockets of big pharma and the health insurance industry

I have no fucks left to give about what current Republican OR Democrat office holders are for. 70% of Republican voters are for some form of M4A as is the overwhelming majority of the American people. Thatā€™s all that matters!

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