Who will run in 2020?

i’m sorry you get that treatment. it’s not right.


It’s part of being a woman on the internet. it does get old at times, and it’s especially annoying when it comes from people who are supposedly on “our side”


Lol dafuq you talking about


I don’t dispute that there’s a toxic element among the very online Bernie fans. I don’t think it’s representative of the larger movement, tho.

? You’re not the only person who has flipped out at someone on here. I flip out at nunehi like twice a day. I don’t know why you’re implying that I’m saying you’re overly emotional, but if that’s how I came across it is not what I meant.

I don’t even know what we’re talking about at this point, but it’s clear that it’s not going anywhere so I’m out.

PS: Something I heard on Twitter: I f you think women are emotional, go tell a roomfull of dudes that Tarantino sucks and watch what happens.

If, during the next debate, Yang whips out his uncut hog and starts throwing pennies at the moderators, then all of this will have been worth it.

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The whole Yang phoenomenon is baffling to me. His entire shtick is an arguably more efficient way of distributing welfare and his followers act like it’s as though Christ has returned to solve the massive structural problems we’re up against. Oh, did you lose your $40k job to automation and your daughter will never find employment unless she has a Ph.D. in robotics? Don’t worry! You get a whole thousand dollars a month to live off! With that you can definitely survive in a hut in Montana and also your lack of consumption will slow down climate change.

I feel bad for you if you’ve had harassment online especially the attacks that you’re post refers too, as beetlejuice said it should never happen.

My bad if my posts offended, it was never my intention. :v:

[grunch][keeed] But is there anything fundamentally wrong with what he said? Reparations was brought up in the last debate! Associating white with rich and black with poor is wildly oversimplified but is still way ahead of the curve.

Obviously yes, but, you don’t want to veer into a form of soft bigotry of low expectations.

tbf i’m fair rabid as shit but most of the mob got their shots

Yeah Yang is for doing absolutely everything possible about climate change… he’s just not lying about the level of change that is already baked in.

If you don’t get it maybe take some time to learn about why that phenomenon is happening… or wait until he’s a front runner. It’s fine either way.

The movement is actually about changing the incentives and measurements we use as a society. Capital efficiency and GDP will as Yang says “drive us off a cliff.” We need to change that now. UBI is the first step.

I’m probably not doing the movement justice right now.


Yeah, uh, I’m pretty well-read up on climate change. “We can’t do anything so run for the hills” is not what the experts are recommending we do.

Warren was actually at 28 yesterday

The sooner that you understand that “our side” isn’t morally or intellectually superior, at least at the level of the masses, the sooner that you understand how to appeal to the electorate.

And that’s not Yangs position.

Currently Warren 28, Biden 27. She’s a few cents ahead in the Iowa market too. Good week for her. I’m entirely comfortable as long as the horse race narrative sticks with her and Biden as the sole front runners. That “whoever can beat Trump” vote is significant and I want it going to her when they abandon Biden.

Is there a more white privilege term than “gaffe machine”? Biden acting like its totally cool and normal accident that he is a racist pos and forgot to hide it is good shit.