Who will run in 2020?


Case in point. These guys are divisive as shit


So now this is our complaint about the Bernie crowd - that they point out shitty bills that other candidates voted for? The horror!

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It’s that these people put forward impossible and non-objective (Bernie has voted for such bills in the past) ideological purity tests and then employ binary thinking to lump anyone that doesn’t pass their asinine test as being pure evil. Surely you can see how counter-productive and insane this post is, right?

When you are on one end of the extreme, even if you are right about everything, you have to compromise somewhere in a democracy. That’s how it works. Those that makes it compromises are allowing the government to function in a meaningful way. Those that don’t are taking their ball and going home, but with dire consequences.

The idea that by compromising on this issue (in order to not sacrifice all political capital on an issue that they wouldn’t even be supported by most of their constituents if they shut down the government over) these people can be lumped in with the Koch’s and Trump and DeVos is absurd. These asinine purity tests are why Democrats always lose and Republicans always win, because when Democrats only get 75% of what they want they stay home, And the Democratic base is full of mutually exclusive policy demands.

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Nobody lumped them in with the Kochs, they were lumped in with neoliberals. For two out of the three it’s not inaccurate.

I don’t attack Warren for the most part and I think it’s a silly strategy if you’re on the left. But I don’t think it’s a bad thing that we should condemn if some people think otherwise. Like, this isn’t some scathing hit piece that gets media coverage, it’s a meme shared within a group meant for Bernie supporters that rallies support for Bernie over his biggest challenger.

I’d also be interested to hear what progressive bills Warren got passed with all of that political capital she reaped from the vote in question.

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A) The picture in question used “Neoliberalism”.

B) You used “impossible”, “non-objective”,“ideological purity tests”, “binary thinking”, “asinine”, “evil”, “counter-productive”, “insane”, “extreme”, “taking their ball and going home”, “dire consequences” etc.

Conclusion: whoever posted A) is “divisive as shit”

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It’s pretty fucking funny to watch catface defend wayofthebern and CTH.



The people who do the actual podcast don’t like the place. That’s how bad it was. I’ve heard they (the podcast guys) say don’t talk to leftists online because of it lol. When I talk about chapocels and what not, I’m referring to the subreddit users, not the podcasts.


See? That’s the podcast guy.

wayofthebern is also a notorious shithole of trolls. Just because it has Bern in the name doesn’t make it a righteous place.


But the world of “compromise” and “non-divisiveness” is always couched in terms of the left compromising with the centre. Centrism has lost everything and given us donald trump. It is a failed ideology and utterly unelectable in the modern climate. If Biden (or whoever) cares about unity and consensus he should be far far to the left of where he currently is standing. It feels like calls for unity in the democratic sphere is just code for we’ll keep doing the same shit that has utterly failed and you be quiet about how terrible it is otherwise you’re being divisive.


Bernie has lost to Clinton and currently losing to Biden. Your country has Boris Johnson as the PM and I don’t see Biden or Clinton having any part of that. At the end of the day it has nothing to do with the boogeyman you have constructed in the “centrists”. Cuse on one hand denies the existence of centrist voters, and on the other can’t explain why the leading candidate is winning as a centrist beyond name recognition even though policies seem to be what everyone loves.

Sanders fans tearing down Warren is also a sure way to get Biden as a 100% lock.

You guys need to sober up and realize your talking points are BS.

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I think you’re conflating two issues. Are there out of control asshole bernie bros mirroring incel trumpist pepes? Obviously. I doubt there’s that many but even one is one too much.

Clinton and Biden won/are winning because of the scardycat nature of most democratic primary voters. They’ve been trained by the NYT et al to vote for the person they think other people like and it always seems to shake out to equal a person who has bought lots of adverts in the NYT et al.

Sensible, centrist, “i have a plan for that”, lets compromise types had their avatar. She was called hillary clinton and she lost to a fat, senile, racist, rapist, game show host who had a 3 word slogan in place of any policies.

Theresa May was status quo, keep calm carry on, centrism. Boris Johnson is a bomb throwing moron with zero principles who has latched on to the extreme right. He picked a side and it made him prime minister. The only way to win is to pick a side and fight hard for it. Compromise is a losing proposition in the current climate. Perhaps things would be far better if that were not true but it is.

NYT doesn’t have as many readers as there are Biden voters. Clinton also managed to the second most votes in history after Obama. So your framing is terrible. You and a few other people are also dangerously close to Trump with that MSM bashing crap, even if the Times does have deplorable people writing articles.

Muttering phrases like “He would’ve won!” like the post above you just did is meaningless (especially since we know polling data wasn’t correct in 2016) . You guys are in heavy fucking denial like alcoholics. As much as some of you slam the DNC, you’re just like them, out of touch with a shitload of people. You have to win people over, and you’re not doing it by talking about centrists and whining about past elections and name recognition.

Honestly, the only guy I’ve seen kind of get is microbet.

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Some of this is demonstrably false. Centrists fared as well as progressives in the 2018 midterms. If centrism was unelectable, then why does Hillary Clinton win the popular vote by 3 million? Why has Bernie Sanders been stuck at 17% in Democratic primary polls forever while more centrist candidates like Buttigieg and Harris have risen, and Biden has at least so far held his solid lead? Warren has also risen, but I’m pointing out the other candidates because they suggest a more complicated narrative than the centrism is dead talking points one hears here and in left media.

A lot of candidate strength, particularly in the Democratic party, has little to do with ideology. We’ve seen polls where Democratic voters say by large margins that they want Democrats to work with Republicans in Washington. The narrative about Hillary Clinton losing to Donald Trump because she was a centrist neolib is more agenda-driven than it is based in actual evidence. It’s worth noting that Donald Trump received more votes than Romney (or any Republican in history for that matter). These things and others complicate the narrative that the only person who could lose to Trump was an establishment avatar like Clinton.

Lol who’s whining? That argument that the “MSM” hews close to and thereby artificially buttresses a generally unpopular status quo is completely different from all bad news about me is fake because I’m great. Kind of insulting to imply as such tbh.

The world of the broadly liberal, free global markets, unfettered capital movement status quo is crumbling to dust in front of our eyes. The question of the age is what will replace it? Socialism or fascism. Pick. A. Side.

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Including 2 out of 3 actual neoliberals in the meme is what gives it an air of truth. I mean it got you to reason that the message is generally true. Meanwhile there are ~0 people in the world who would reevaluate their opinion of Kamala Harris after learning she voted for a budget that didn’t cut defense spending. So ask yourself who this meme is actually targeting.

Hint: it’s this. And it does this by casting Warren’s ideology as closer to Harris/Booker than Bernie, which is probably not true generally but in any case it’s a lazy way to draw distinctions when there are numerous ways in which Warren aligns exactly with Bernie. It’s lazy by design. The point is to divide entirely by making a dishonest argument.

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By the way the fascists realised this shit ages ago, they picked their side early and are getting on with it. The good guys are way behind already. There’s not much foot dragging time remaining.

Lol, I don’t care if you’re insulted. Orwell wrote essays specifically for guys like you who keep repeating shit until it’s meaningless.

And you’re delusional if you think typing the “late stage of Capitalism” meme actually means anything in a world when global capitalism is expanding and not shrinking. Where the US middle class has no real reason to revolt. Same with Europe. You’re one of the dudes who conflates the welfare state with socialism.

Pretty divisive rhetoric.

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I already did.

You don’t get to act that way, Tom. You ran with the AC crowd until they disappeared and all of sudden flip flopped to socialism. You utter memes du jour like they are real things. Whether or not it is insulting, it is like you have formed all your political ideology off of Twitter feeds.

I’ve never claimed to be smart. I’ve probably thought about my politics more than 99% of people but that’s no guarantee that I’m correct. I’ve certainly been very wrong many, many times. I hope I’m wrong this time and we can stuff the toothpaste back into the Fukuyama End of History tube. Maybe hero of the people Elizabeth warren can corral all the rogue capitalists doing naughty things and save the unrotten core (lol). When do I get to be right though? If Clinton wasn’t the death of centrism when will you be willing to call it? If your premise is unfalsifiable and each failure just means we need to double down on compromise and electability seeker style then it’s not super useful.