Who will run in 2020?

You’re still the problem.

Say what?

I need to take this first part back a little bit, Warren is about 2% up over Bernie in RCP average for last week’s polls. I’m stil pretty sure if you average the highest rated polls over the summer Bernie does better, but I could be wrong and too lazy to do it.


When I respond on twitter to a posted article (not even mentioning Bernie) and in 2 hours I have a ton of people with roses in their profiles jumping in my mentions and DMing me that I’m a corporate shill and that I should go vote for trump and that I’m a republican and that I don’t understand politics and that I should vote for Bernie or the country will regret it, then yeah, I call that a mob.

Sorry you haven’t had that experience. But by all means, tell me that my experiences don’t matter and that I shouldn’t stand up to the mob that attacks me from the left.

If you want to try to change my mind into being more open toward Bernie…this ain’t the way to do it.

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As opposed to talking about “the rabid far left mob”, which is so much more respectful?

Serious question. Have you not seen the more toxic elements of the CTH crowd online? They managed to get their reddit quarantined lol. Or the LARPing Stalinist people like Einbert? Or the whole “liberals get the bullets the first” meme? And I’m not including stuff like Cuse said about women being shouted down by Bernie supporters.

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lol, rekt

Or maybe voting for someone because they’re soft spoken and a vet is a terrible reason to vote and you deserve to be ridiculed for it. Not to mention black people don’t like Pete but you feel like it’s ok to tell them how their feelings are wrong about him.

WTF? Do you have me mistaken for someone else?

Source that ridiculous claim about me.

Pete is great. Unfortunately his strongest constituency is ivy league grad students in a world where Donald Fucking Trump is president. I mean I like him more than Bernie, and I like Bernie (in an ivy league grad student sort of way), and all my life I’ve wanted a president who can offer informed and insightful opinions on Ulysses, but right now that doesn’t compare to being able to crush Trump.

One thing I like about Warren and Bernie and, I think, also Pete is they know the GOP is a bad faith scam party uninterested in compromise. It must be beaten and beaten more. Biden doesn’t seem to get it, but he probably does, as it’s in his interest to pretend not to get it. In any event, even without polls, biden’s like my 6th or 7th choice, which ain’t bad.


maybe it’s the russian troll army

It’s probably Russians, but Bernie has a broad and divergent constituency. Some on the edge can be hostile, but Pete probably has a similar edge of agressive gay management consultants who troll Bernie supporters about their passe flannel shirts or sensible shoes.


These are far from terrible reasons to vote for someone.

As much as we like to talk about policy, the Presidency is fundamentally a massive management task. They are ultimately responsible for overseeing millions of people involved in everything from housing to healthcare to transportation to education to the military, etc. In that role, is the firebrand who can give an inspirational speech about the millionaires and the billionaires necessarily the best person to sit down with the head of the CDC and figure out an Ebola response plan or strategize on how to evacuate a large city in advance of an incoming hurricane? Maybe so, but my experience with screamy bosses leaves me a little skeptical.

Does a few years of military service make you more equipped to ask good questions of the Joint Chiefs when they are proposing a certain military operation or requesting a new arms package than someone who never served? Again, not necessarily, but, I don’t think it’s a crazy starting assumption.

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i think pete is great and i would gladly vote for him but trump, as much as we all hate him, is charming and charismatic to a huge group of people. him v a bland guy like pete reminds me of bush v gore and bush v kerry. clinton v dole, obama v mccain, obama v romney. most charming personality wins every time. it’s a popularity contest.

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Even if it is russians (and some of these “bots” have decidedly human anatomy, as evidenced by my twitter DMs)…wouldn’t that be just as bad?

i wouldn’t blame actual bernie supporters for things done by russians pretending to be bernie supporters online.

but i’m not concluding that this is the case here with you, i just know from last time that the russians did a lot of pro-bernie stuff.

obviously all dem supporters should be cool with each other, i don’t agree with being an asshole.

Actually, I was talking about the purity testing that pushes legitimate people out of being “allowed” to donate to candidates they like.

If you’re you or me, you have a right to individually donate to any campaign you want. If you work on K street, doesn’t matter who for, you do not have that right, unless you want to donate to Biden, I guess.

But I am tired of having this conversation. If you want to talk about campaign finance reform, we can do that, but it is a different conversation. Fortunately, every single Dem candidate (that I know of, maybe not Biden or one of the other personally wealthy ones) is for ending Citizen’s United and reforming election financing. But you can’t change the rules from the outside, and the rules aren’t ever going to change until we win. And yes, in this case, I think the ends justify the means.

By the way, how much did Bernie or Warren move over from their Senate campaign coffers? And how much of that was from “big donors”?

Also, why do you identify so strongly with one observation I made that wasn’t even about you directly? why do you feel the need to staunchly defend people that attack and belittle anyone who doesn’t support bernie or remain ideologically pure (according to them)? I wasn’t really including you in my initial comment, because you had never really gotten personal, but you’re moving closer to that territory now.


This is just rephrasing what goofy said in a way that sounds better for you. People here and elsewhere are concerned about who donates to who. It doesn’t mean they’re not “allowed” to donate, but we are “allowed” to draw inferences from those donations.

If someone pointed out (in a hypothetical world) that white supremacists overwhelmingly donated to Trump and almost never donated to ¡Jeb!, that would be a useful data point in a discussion about how those candidates would govern and who they might cater their policies to. Obviously Jeb could still do some stuff that racists like, and Trump could still do some stuff that they dislike, but it at least SEEMS to show that racists identify with what Trump is saying more.

As for the rest, I’ll be honest and say that I have not seen the kind of online behavior you’re talking about. I followed the CTH subreddit for a while and, other than some misguided tankie kind of stuff and immature shit like telling republicans who wandered in to show their hogs, never saw anything concerning. I also had a stint on lefty Twitter (primarily while I was perma’ed by Mason) and didn’t encounter anything like what you’re describing. I’m not a woman, wasn’t super active, and wasn’t posting things likely to draw the Bernie crowd’s ire, so not super surprising. But if what you’re talking about is stuff like you’ve seen in this thread and what you flipped on smac about then we disagree about what’s acceptable to say in an online politics discussion.

well, smacc didn’t send me dick pics or threaten rape or wish that I’d get cancer and die before the primary so I couldn’t vote for Pete, so I guess there’s that. You might understand when you find out that all of those things actually have happened to me that yeah, I’m a little sensitive when people refuse to actually read my posts and try to attribute things to me that I never said or did. And if my reaction is “flipping out” and some of the other stuff I’ve seen on this board between others isn’t, then I’m feeling a bit of a double standard here.

But I’m just an overly emotional girl, go on and discuss this without me.