Who will run in 2020?

The general isn’t for a long time. We’re talking about the primary.


This. If anyone gets M4A done within 10 years of getting elected they should replace everyone on Mt.Rushmore.


“There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.” I forget who said that, but no doubt a beloved and uncontroversial figure.

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And regardless of anything anyone wants, M4A will not, I repeat will not, be implemented earlier than 4 years after it passes, and even that time is very unlikely.

It’s like the idea we gotta shake things up right now is astonishing to me. We need to win in 2020 so we can shake things up, and I don’t mean prez only, I mean the Senate. GOP is delivering this up on a silver platter (the way it’s going 53 Dem senate seats is a real possibility) and the talk in here is exactly how that gets effed up, sorry. If we were running against Romney or something of that ilk, this is a perfectly acceptable argument. But we’re not. We are running against the end of our democracy.

Based on where we were at after the 2016 election, I thought a 60 Senate majority was realistic for GOP in 2018, and a huge majority in the House. They were so incompetent they blew that, and they’re not getting better. But we sure can help them retain.

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100% agree. The problem is if we don’t actually start fighting for it, we’ll be saying “M4A will not, I repeat will not, be implemented earlier than 4 years after it passes, and even that time is very unlikely” in 2035.


Yep it’s not going to happen right away but it will take even longer with all this incremental improvement bs


Random person on the internet who I choose to believe

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And? Even if you are right the plan needs to be to push it as far as possible IF we ever get the political capital/seats to make it happen. Half measures suck, look at Obamacare. I don’t want to another 10 years from now be debating with you guys about the same shit becsuse we went for a half measure. Because that’s what will happen. Obamacare moved us about .001% towards single payer and mostly because it has increased premium prices to the point lots of people notice.

We don’t live forever, especially Boomers like you, so this “hey it’s unreasonable to not be patient another 50-100 years and we will have a public option” takes are fucking horrible.

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The defeatism on the left is fucking depressing. Single payer when branded right polls at like 85 or 90% in the party, 65 or 70% among independents and over 50% among fucking Republicans. I forget the exact numbers but I recall it being net favorable among Republicans and the numbers being even better than that among independents.

Yet every time it comes up like 75% of Democrats are like “Guyyyysss we can’t go for this now, maybe we can go for like 10% of it if we say pretty pretty please and try really hard.”

Why? Cause some politician cashing huge checks from billionaires and Wall Street and Big Pharma said so? Cause some talking head who used to get paid by some politician cashing those checks who now gets paid by a media conglomerate owned by billionaires said so? Why the fuck are we listening to them.

I get why Pelosi and Schumer and Biden are doing what they’re doing. I get why Warren is. I don’t get why voters fall in line behind it like lemmings.

It’s just a self-fulfilling prophecy.


lol, what a weird pseudo-threat. This applies to all candidates, ldo.

Pete is all of us


(full disclosure, he did shake Steyer’s hand eventually)

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heh, he kind of looks like he can’t decide if he should shake his hand or hug him.

“Awww, c’mere you (and your billions)”


Why are we even conceding that universal health care won’t happen for a decade? The fuck is it with the left in this country constantly bitching out on every single god damn thing? The most absolutely spineless fucking political movement in history.



A lot of people on the left aren’t actually on the left and are just politics junkies who hate racism or don’t want to be seen as racist. They are mostly moderates who essentially try and hide it one way or another.

Sooo the “be patient” trope is a result of that. Those people aren’t allies they are literally the people who enable the left to be co-opted by the rich and corporations.

It’s Pete and Biden and also judging by some of the posts here at least 1-2 people on this board also.


yeahh sorry I guess I’m a berniebro now. UHC is by far the one thing that would improve the lives of all americans and if you don’t agree you’re the enemy of this country.


Who fucking cares. Everyone is on the same side here. You’re bickering over details that won’t matter as our democracy descends into a total fascist nightmare. It’s basically already happened. The gatekeeping at this point in the game is so fucking stupid. The time for that was like 6 years ago. There’s way bigger things at stake right now. The fact people dont understand or refuse to understand this constantly amazes me.