Who will run in 2020?

The real villain here is the press asking these dumbfuck questions. “Is Trump racist???” is the most useless journalism ever.


There’s a case to be made that Julian Castro should run against Cornyn. I think he’s probably a better choice for Veep, but he should seriously consider a run too (it’s not wise to think Cornyn’s seat is truly in play but it’s worth trying to get). But as I’ve said on here, I think Beto would do better (possibly win) vs. Cornyn if he runs for Senate. Cornyn would be a lot harder to knock off than Cruz, and Beto wouldn’t have gotten close to him in 2018.

If Beto ran today (after his primary run) I think he would have had a really good chance of winning Cruz’s seat. His problem was that not many people in the independent wing believed he wasn’t a super left winger. It would be really hard to come to that conclusion now.

I could definitely see Biden winning and then not running for a second term

coulda woulda shoulda. beto tried and lost and it wasn’t that close. fuck him. like i said, if he had won i’d feel differently about him, but in this reality he’s a state-wide loser.

I have argued with liberals who think that it’s mandatory that we nominate Biden and mandatory that he promises to be a one-term president in order to boost his electability.


If this is how we’re going to treat people who run statewide in red states and lose, we’re going to have a tough time recruiting good candidates to do that.

The beto hate is really overblown. He isn’t president material but not much tells me he wouldn’t have been a good senator compared to Cruz or even the average Dem senator obviously.

You guys keep using the word centrist like it has any meaning to the majority of the country that isn’t particularly upset with their existence but vehemently anti-Trump. That’s who you got to win and Sanders has been one of the least effective people when it comes to winning over the entire population who will vote anti-Trump no matter what. Warren seems to be doing a better job at communicating.

Seriously, we are in the era where Biden will win the Democratic ticket because of those sweet Obama and Biden memes as evidenced by some of the interviews of people who want him as President.

My point is pretty simple. The problems of this country aren’t getting solved within the next decade and people should stop pretending any candidate will get it done. The left needs to learn and adapt a better approach other than angrily yelling at centrists. Or stupidly talking about Obama being a centrist when he got through whatever he could manage. And trying to convince Biden voters Biden is the senile Grandpa who utters slightly racist stuff and was a past racist just doesn’t work. Those aren’t real strats.

This country isn’t primed for some lefty revolution.

Was an interesting article yesterday about why TX and AZ are likely to go blue. Like NV, they are city centered states without major rural (farming) populations. Apparently 74% of TX voters are urban or suburban, and those are the growing areas. If TX didn’t have the lowest turnout in the US it’d already be blue. And if TX goes blue almost no other swing state matters. It’s game over for the GOP. Only question is whether it happens in 20/24/28.


so, besides going back to the house of reps, you’d rather he keep losing for us? cornyn is stronger than cruz, if we want to flip the seat we’ll need someone stronger than beto. i mean i can’t think of one other senator i’d rather run against in 2018 than ted cruz, the guy has no personality, he’s the zodiac killer, etc. beto lost an easy one. i don’t want dems to blow it again. he’s fine in the house of reps. he’s a good guy. but he’s on time out for at least another 2 terms in the house and then maybe try for governor, but if he loses state-wide again he’s done outside of his district, there’s gotta be a limit at some point.

In 2012, Cruz lost the Republican Primary for his Senate seat by 147,000 votes, but it went to a runoff (top 2 advance) that he won by 151,000 votes against the guy he finished second against. I don’t get how he flipped that many votes but whatever.

In the general, Cruz won with 56.46% of the vote. The Democrat had 40.62% of the vote. He won by 1.25 million votes.

In 2018, Cruz won with 50.89% of the vote. Beto had 48.33% of the vote. Cruz won by about 215k votes. Cruz only got 180k fewer votes than he got in 2012. Beto got 850k more voters than the previous Democratic nominee got. It’s impossible to overstate how incredible what he did was, and what long odds he faced. It was a very big clue that something’s changing in Texas.

Beto’s live to beat Cornyn, and I really want him to run for that seat. He’s not national material, that’s all there is to it. He’s the exact kind of Democrat who can win statewide in Texas, even more now than I thought that then. I find it hard to believe he has a chance to be Governor there, but maybe he does since he goes everywhere. Texas is a complicated state.

it was a dem wave election and he still lost. i hope 2020 is a bigger wave but it’s my opinion that cornyn is stronger and beto should stick to the house of reps for a while

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Oh, my bad. I’ll just go write in Kasich and then jump off a bridge, because apparently it’s all hopeless.

And nunnehi thinks I’m negative lol…

We need to get more votes than they get in enough states to win the White House. Just because a state is polling at like 46-46 or something doesn’t mean that the remaining 8% are centrists, moderates, or super intelligent people waiting until the last second to make their decision. Usually they’re idiots, sometimes they’re going by emotion and feels, and more often the way you REALLY win is by turning out more voters who normally don’t vote. That 46-46 poll would be among LIKELY voters. So in reality it’s more like 28-28 with 5% likely to vote but undecided. There’s another 39% of eligible voters not planning on voting.

And that five percent includes some people for whom the Dem nominee is not left enough, some for whom the GOP nominee is not right enough, some who are too indifferent/uninformed to have made a decision, and some who are moderate. So let’s say 40% of them are moderate, or 2% of the likely voters. You can fight tooth and nail for those, or you can go after your chunk of the 39% of unlikely voters.

Those unlikely voters haven’t been motivated by moderate milquetoast liberals in the past, so why should they be now? We did a test case on “Vote for me, I’m not him, he’s awful,” last time around and that was a losing strategy.

Further, single payer healthcare or increased minimum wage are not some lefty revolution. This country is primed for a candidate who actually gives a flying fuck about the bottom 90% and who manages to do so with authenticity and genuineness. If we run somebody who speaks to them, we win. If we run somebody like Biden, hold on tight, it’s going down to the wire.

Every time we run the moderate/centrist with a ton of experience because they’re the next person on deck who’s polling the best with moderate voters 1.5 years before the election, we get our asses kicked. When will we learn?


He gave up his seat to someone I don’t think will lose now. I also don’t think he should try to get his old seat back.

It wasn’t an easy one because it was in Texas. It’s not like he ran against him in New Mexico, Arizona or even Florida.

We should run the best statewide candidate we can get in Texas who is available to run and willing to do so. Off the top of my head there are three choices: Beto, Julian and Joaquin. I think Beto is probably the one with the best shot, although I could be convinced it’s Julian Castro.

so if beto runs for cornyn’s seat and loses, is he done or do you guys still want him in texas politics?

let’s say we all love him and we all agree on this board that he’s great.

He’s done, but I think he’d be done everywhere in that case. Maybe he can try for Governor, but that’s really his only avenue left. You find a Democrat who can beat Cornyn in Texas that we haven’t heard of and I’d love to know who that is

I mean he might be the best shot to win a senate seat in texas even if he loses again. DUCY?(Sorry couldn’t help myself)

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He’s probably done in Texas statewide at that point, although it depends on who’s available to run against Cruz next time around and whether he wants to go for the third try. Like if he loses a nailbiter against Cornyn, Julian Castro is VP, Joaquin Castro is in the administration and Beto is the best candidate that wants to run, he should be given the full support of the party.

Trying to turn a bright red state purple/blue is a process over multiple cycles.

For those who don’t see why, it’s because if we’re ready to cast him to the side of the road for losing Texas twice in a row despite being an engaging and charismatic candidate, there aren’t going to be a lot of Texas Dems jockeying for position to walk the plank the next time around…

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