Who will run in 2020?

Hahaha shut up my house is 45 minutes from downtown. I’m doing well financially, but I’m not going to be stretched to live in downtown Austin.

Haha I figured I’d let him slide on that. Probably more advantageous, though, he may be playing a role in the purpling of a different Congressional district - not sure where the boundaries are there.

10 years ago I was renting a 2 bedroom house in North Loop for $800/month. 15 years before that I had a studio in the heart of S. Congress* for $200/month.


At the time the “heart of S. Congress” was mostly known for its porn theater, sex shops and prostitution.

… and Magnolia Cafe?

Yes! I was 3 blocks north. Is it still there?

Yeah, it’s basically an Austin institution.

I know, but a lot of those have disappeared over the years. I was crushed to hear about Tamale House. I nursed my most memorable hangovers there.

I think that one was gone before I ever visited. There are two Magnolia Cafes though, and the one I’ve always gone to on South Congress is always packed. The waits on Sunday morning are ridiculous. But those omelets and gingerbread pancakes are worth it!

lol, just found this blog from someone who donated at least $1 to every candidate so she could track their email usage. She reads them all, counts them, and categorizes them. It’s pretty enlightening (and entertaining).

But Their Emails!

It’s important to remember that the 90s was when all the true what would be called blue dog Democrats today (wouldn’t be GOP because of Lincoln) switched to Republican. A lot of Democrats in Texas were not the kind of Democrats we know today. Phil Gramm was probably one of the earliest switchers.

Whether they’re dixiecrats, blue dogs, or what not, they’re still a step up from the current GOP.

Ann Richards was elected in 1990 (my first vote was for her). She was the last statewide Democrat to win office.

If you want to look into it, look at the map for the Senate election in 2018. Beto crushed mostly in the big cities. He got crushed everywhere else. It’s pockets of blue in a sea of red. He won all but two Mexican border counties. Outside of those and the major cities, it was all red.

EDIT: Just saw you clarified this.

A dead body is a step up from the current GOP. A zombie is a step up from the current GOP.

Beto seems like an OK guy but I don’t think he’s that special that the next dem couldn’t exceed his results. If he would have beat Cruz I’d feel a lot different about him but honestly every time I see him I’m reminded we have 5 more years of ted cruz in the senate

That post isn’t really beneficial to anything you’re trying to argue.

The south is overrun with redneck nationalists. Getting people in office who aren’t overtly racist trash in southern states should be the #1 priority. It has been some sort of absurd wishful thinking of certain leftist types that you can just run progressives everywhere.

In some places it’s easier to flip a seat with a progressive than a centrist, and in other cases the opposite is true. The problem is that the DNC always tries to step on the scale for a centrist. Always.

Kamala Harris wouldn’t call Trump a white supremacist during a CNN interview, I assume to keep the door open to Biden’s ticket

Imo… This is a perfect reason for yourself to understand that the MSM is a reality show for the upper class to fuck with you, the press and local media, giving the bidens/Pete’s and Warren’s politicians the sunny side up TV.

American media and sourcing is your problem with Bernie IMO.

I hope she loses the primary…

for her Senate seat.

Only way I see her on Biden’s ticket is if she expects him to die during his term.