Who will run in 2020?


The first time I heard the following it blew my mind.

1 million seconds is 11.5 days.

1 billion seconds is just under 32 years.

1 trillion seconds is almost 32,000 years.

Trillions are unfathomable.


There isn’t one single person in the entire country who will base their opinion on a cost/benefit calculation.


… and this doesn’t matter because it’ll never happen. Totally agree though. If you were going to do this you’d do a per employee tax on every employer in the country. You don’t want to reward companies for having shitty/cheap benefits lol. That’s just super obvious.

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The rich people will.

I think Donald conclusively proved that if your opponent is arguing about whether the numbers work on something they are losing.

The common people are the refs here and they aren’t calling bullshit on claims that they like the sound of. Soak the rich people polls really well.

That’s not an opening that’s a trap.

That depends on how we word it.

Us: “Our cost-benefit analysis shows that $11 trillion in healthcare spending over the next decade will shift from the private sector to the public sector, and we’ll be able to reduce our overall national spending on healthcare while improving coverage rates and quality of coverage. This government spending will be funded by taxes on the wealthy, and the middle class will save money and get Medicare. The working class will save about $11 trillion over a decade!”

Average Voter: :yawning_face::yawning_face::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

Us: “The average worker will get an extra $7,100 a year in their pocket due to the elimination of premiums and all out of pocket healthcare spending. They’ll get Medicare, which means no referrals, no out of pocket expenses, no time wasted on the phone with private health insurance companies. Big corporations and the 1% will pay a tax increase to fund the program.”

Average Voter: “An extra $7,100 a year, huh?” :thinking::palm_tree::beach_umbrella::red_car::money_with_wings::moneybag::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

“I’m gonna be rich!”

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Trump: “What are we going to do?”
Crowd: “BUILD THE WALL!!!”
Trump: “Who’s going to pay for it?”

Us: “How much money are you going to get every year?”
Crowd: “SEVEN GRAND!!!”
Us: “Who’s going to pay for it?”

It’s ~honest, too. Oversimplified, but not inaccurate.

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Yeah this is what I’m hoping to see. I don’t give a shit about the policy doc she posted. Nobody is reading that shit. The dumbed down message of ‘you’re going to save 7 grand’ is political gold.

It seriously doesn’t matter at all that it won’t get done as published. Of course it won’t. In other news nobody pays MSRP for a new car unless the car is hard to get.

At a restaurant with Fox News on, headline is “sticker shock: Warren releases 52T m4a plan”

Then now says Warren: will have ultra rich and corporations pay for it.

So what’s the problem?

Apparently Biden releases a statement:

“The math gymnastics in her plan hide the simple truth that m4a can’t be paid for without middle class tax increases”

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Is there even a middle class? Seems like everyone makes $100k+ or $40k-. I guess like non-managerial/administrative government workers? And a lot of the petit-bourgeious.

Yeah I mean I think my entire office from admin assistants through paralegals, attorneys, and my deputy commissioner probably makes in the 40-100k range, but we’re local government which is obviously a unique beast.

$100k number needs location adjustment as well. $70k or $80k in most of the country is better than $100k in CA.

It just seems like the pay for a lot of good paying jobs (IT obv) gets $100k+ almost immediately outside of entry level and many of the middle paying jobs like construction trades - as an employee, factory work, lots of other stuff I’m sure has moved from the $25-$40/hr range to the $12-$20/hr range.

My experience is that most jobs are either 50k or lower or 100k+. The 50k-100k range is pretty barren. I’d even go so far as to say that it’s usually easier to earn 300k (including all the many variants of self employed and salespeople) than it is to make 115k as a W2 employee who doesn’t get any commission of any kind.

I’d guess 95% of nurses make between 60-90K depending on their credentials and how much they care to work. That’s just shy of 3 million or so people. Add in respiratory therapists/mid level admin etc. There’s a lot of people like that just in health care.


Nurses, PA’s, respiratory therapists, physical therapists… etc. Those are probably the majority of people in the wage range from 50-100k actually. Remember a lot of nurses are LPN/LVN’s and make <50k though.

A reasonable percentage of nurses are in the union, but this is decreasing (half of what it was in 1983). Nursing salaries will probably go the way of factory salaries - though I guess demand remaining strong may help somewhat. Demand hasn’t guaranteed good wages in construction though.

Yeah, and I dunno if that 3 million or so included only RN’s - I guess in a way that’s the new way to carve out a middle class life for a lot of people, though. 4 years of training to get the RN.


Not any time soon. Demand is going no where but up, given the aging population and other demographic swings. Pretty much impossible to automate, at least in the foreseeable future, too.


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