Who will run in 2020?

Pete’s a lock now.

(seriously though he’s running as a charismatic centrist in a party that only ever elects charismatic centrists as president) Obama said whatever too at times; it works.

No chance is absolute nonsense btw. He’s the most like obama/clinton (bill) candidate running and is also a midwesterner and the first state is the midwest.

lol@ qualifications. That ship has sailed, just put whoever you want wherever nobody gives a damn.

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Several mayors (like Julian Castro) have been tapped to head HUD. I wonder if Bullock would be qualified to be AG due to his being Montana AG.

Do posts like HHS, Transportation, and Education require any special expertise or are they fine being headed by a competent politician who hopefully does not come from the corporate world and have a bunch of conflicts of interest?

She probably feels her legacy couldn’t get any worse, but if that were to happen, she’d go from being the worst politician in history to the person who single-handedly destroyed democracy

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I think most of the candidates have said they are going to appoint an educator for education secretary. Not sure about the others. I can’t think of any non-corporate experience one could amass to become head of Transportation, for example, so yeah, probably just pick someone who knows the government?

I’m emotionally tied to the idea that deep down inside Hillary will feel super-bad if she has to watch someone else be the first female president and I want to punish her for losing in 2016 by making her face that in 2020 before she dies or gets Alzheimer’s or something.

Secretary of Education sanctioned by a federal court for willfully and flagrantly violating a court order, not even close to front page news.

Why hire someone to head a department who has no specific experience with that field and best also to have direct experience with or in that department. Such people exist. Why hire some politician to do it? Rick Perry may be an extreme case of dumb politician not knowing anything about the department he leads, but it’s not that far out of the norm.

Why not pick someone who has worked in the Department of Transportation for like 15 or 20 years?


I agree…I feel like some of the lass flashy cabinet posts are like ambassadorships, they are given to allies/supporters in exchange for their help in the election, or whatever.

It’s weird that career bureaucrats don’t advance to appointed positions very often (at least not the high-ranking positions)

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It’s not unusual for education secretaries to have some experience as an educator, but that includes Obama appointing Arne Duncan and John King, Jr. I was not impressed with them and would like someone who is more hostile towards charter schools, even non-profit charter schools.

My Dad worked for HUD for like 35 years and for the last 15 or so was at the level right below political appointees and, well, the political appointees never knew shit, and were sometimes pretty destructive because of their ignorance even when they were smart and meant well.

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I am liking this because career civil servants are generally decent people and also I have heard this same take about political appointees roughly 1000 times from friends and family who are gov’t employees.

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I mean I’m anti conspiracy theory, but Tulsi has something going on. She’s straight blabbing unedited WH talking points. Trump gave her a shout out, and she went after Hillary like a badger.

Gonna move to Hunter’s district and run as GOP?


Is it kinda boring to be right about everything? Yeah, it is.

Lulsi walking back impeachment with Matt Gaetz’ talking points on Hannity. Thoughts, Jake Tapper?

Must be Russia.

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I mean, there’s already 2 carpetbaggers running here, she might as well join the party. She’d never win though, because she’s ambiguously brown and not a Christian.


To the extent that this could be a serious thought by the tweeter, it’s incorrect. She’s Jill Stein x2-3. She is taking votes from and/or demoralizing strictly left anti-establishment folks. If her handlers (sorry, this is spiteful) thought there was a chance she would take votes away from the dotard, she wouldn’t even be running.