Who will run in 2020?

I would be a terrible political operative bc I can’t find anything bad here to take out of context.

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“We’re not gonna beat him” - Mayor Pete

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is the seat in that car really low or something? Bernie’s arm position seems really uncomfortable. Like, this is how I look in cars and I’m 5’1 with a 19" torso.

As you could tell by my qualifier, I thought there was a good chance some stuff was taken out of context.

As for the church thing, telling church members to be anti-LGBTQ is not a threat to tax exempt status. Telling their members to vote for an anti-LGBTQ bill/resolution is a threat to tax exempt status. This applies to anything political in the pulpit. If it’s just talk, it’s fine, if it’s trying to wrangle votes it’s not fine in relation to tax exempt status.

Mechanic: It reclines perfectly Senator, try it

Senator Sanders: Fuck that, I don’t feel like I’m sitting at 12 o’clock


Only gonna comment on the revoking of church’s tax exempt status part. We should absolutely be doing that, but to all churches. They are a business and a very corrupt business at that.


he’s lounging like a gangster. rolling up on a corner like, “hey kid, how’d you like to make $15/hour plus full health benefits? join my crew”


yeah, it’s the picking and choosing part that is pretty much the definition of unconstitutional.

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Can we please stop posting Garrison cartoons? That is so racist I can’t even.


Good stuff. That’s Soros driving, right?

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Hard disagree. Dems should spend every possible minute talking about healthcare. They ran on healthcare in ‘18 and wafflecrushed it. If they can make 2020 a referendum on guaranteeing health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions, they will crush Trump like Reagan vs. Mondale. Joe Sixpack cares about grandma, he gives zero fucks about the Kurdish fighters we’re selling downriver. Sucks, but the politics of self-interest is overwhelming.

OFC they are too fucking incompetent to do this.

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i’m worried about liz and the insane sexism in this country. this is a pro-liz article and that’s the picture they go with

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Lawrence O’Donnell made a very good point that every minute spent on healthcare is a wasted minute. Each one of these candidates, as president, would sign whatever bill is passed by Congress. If that’s M4A, all would sign it. If it’s something worse, all would sign it. It’s a non-issue.

Just say, ‘you give us the votes, you’ll get something even better than the ACA. The way you get us the votes is by getting doctors and other monsters who want to kill you, not give you care, or bankrupt you out of the Senate.’


Article written by Jennifer Rubin. Closed tab.

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idk this sounds pretty smart:

Trump made promises in 2016 he could not keep: getting Mexico to pay for the wall, coming up with a cheaper but better health-care plan and developing a tax cut that wouldn’t make the rich even richer. One of Democrats’ best lines of attack is that Trump not only did not produce for the “forgotten man and women,” but he also made life harder for them.

lol nvm here it is:

A candidate who comes across as peddling easy fixes and unattainable deals will not be nearly as effective as a candidate who levels with voters and makes clear what can be reasonably accomplished.

But what does Rick Wilson think of Liz? I won’t know what to do until I know what he thinks.

My message for Bloomberg: Bill DiBlasio.

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I’m old enough to remember when a black guy whose middle name was Hussein ran on protecting the ACA in the middle of a recession and even fucking Ohio voted for him. Running on healthcare is like the Konami cheat code for winning for the left but the Dems are going to make this election about some awkward defense of Joe Biden’s nepotism or defending Kurdistan or some dumb shit voters don’t care about.


So when do we have a public debate about which policy is best then? Presidential elections are the only time when the American public puts in even a little bit of thought towards policies. Bernie’s campaign in 2016 is the reason why the window shifted, at least a bit, on healthcare and things like free college and minimum wage. Having all of the candidates say “meh I’ll sign whatever bill comes across my desk” is fucking insulting.

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