Who will run in 2020?

I assume Glem Glamwald wrote a scathing expose on The Corrupt Bidens that I obviously didn’t read and it has keed’s danders up


ivanka/jared are scamming and grifting and making lots of millions of dollars while also supposedly working for the white house under trump and nobody gives a shit but sure let’s keep talking about biden


bloomberg’s talking about possibly running again if biden goes down. This party man.

sounds good


Nobody will give a shit as long as Biden isn’t the nominee. Let’s not give Trump an easy whatabout when we go after his families grifting.

I’m in favor of a scorched earth war footing with the GOP dude. You don’t have to worry about me being angry about Trumps incessant grifting. The only good thing about it is that it’s so blatant the attack ads write themselves… Unless you’re Joe Biden or some other shitty Democrat who has been chowing down at the feed trough for the last 40 years. Then you can’t be nearly as effective as you should be. I have a huge problem with that.

Bloomberg is a much better candidate for the country than Biden… and I say this as someone whose trust in Billionaires is not high. Still yeah fuck that guy. Warren is the ideal person for the Dems at this particular moment in history. The anti corruption stuff is pure gold. She can build her entire general election campaign around draining the swamp and is the perfect foil for Trump.

We can easily do both.


Also taking shots at Trump before the general is kind of a waste of time. He’s a dumbass who shouldn’t have ever been president. In a lot of ways none of this is his fault. His entire presidency is the plot of The Producers ffs.

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Warren is the weakest dem candidate vs Trump and I don’t think it’s remotely close. Luckily it’s not going to matter much.

If Bloomberg gets in the race Warren needs to run on taking away half his money.


If Bloomberg had half a brain he’d go all-in for someone else, either Biden or Mayor Pete.

Bloomberg entering the race pretty much locks it up for Warren or Bernie. Just gonna divide up the Biden/Pete vote even more

AOC simultaneously slams Mayor Pete while defending Warren and Beto. No idea how good her context is on both Mayor Pete quotes.


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nah, it’ll be an hour of the same health care debate when they should spend that on foreign policy.

as for this:

it’s based on a tweet by a guy summarizing a snapchat interview, where it seems like no one actually watches the full interview. it’s the same old shit of people relying on tweets and headlines to fuel their outrage, rather than actually reading or listening to something for more than 10 seconds. Here’s the actual transcript of the Warren part in which he is answering a question in case you don’t want to watch the whole interview:


As for the Beto thing, it’s about Beto saying he’d revoke church’s tax exempt status if they came out against gay marriage, which is pretty much a constitutional no-go, but hey, it sounds great to the woke crowd, amirite? People tend to forget that the separation of church and state goes both ways.

Here’s the utterly annoying tweet linking to the snapchat video, if you want to watch for yourself. I am old and don’t understand snapchat. Also note the blatantly incendiary clickbait nature of the tweet, when the actual interview is…well, not that spicy?


edited to add: jfc that snapchat thing is gigantic. why? why is it so big? See…I don’t understand snapchat

Oh right, the Beto thing:

OMG Beto is so fucking dumb lol.


Is Bloomberg thinking of running as an independent or actually getting involved in this Democratic clusterfuck?