Who will run in 2020?


I wasn’t comparing it to anything Trump did or trying to use Hunter’s corruption to minimize anything Trump has done. But I’ve said from the beginning that Trump focusing on Hunter’s corruption is a winning strategy exactly because Hunter is a transparently corrupt parasite. And the more Democrats try to dismiss Hunter’s corruption as a conspiracy theory the more effective Trump’s narrative will be. Because no one will buy the narrative that Hunter did nothing wrong, since it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that his whole career has been shady as hell.

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We need to purge the people on our side that do not represent how we want to be. That moral high ground will help us win the war. We can’t win carrying around their dead weight everywhere we go. They are too heavy and they don’t contribute anything.

HRC lost to Donald Trump ffs. He called her crooked Hillary and it stuck. That’s because she was crooked. Not as crooked as him, but crooked enough to make that easy to hang around her neck.

No more crooked Dems IMO. They all need to go as quickly as humanly possible. The core principle of the party needs to be anti corruption. And that means not tolerating corruption internally. Not even the appearance of corruption. Nothing even borderline.

Why? Because ‘Drain the Swamp’ is the best political line of my lifetime that’s why. It’s a winning message in all 50 states, in every precinct. Everyone from every slice of the political spectrum (except the direct beneficiaries) is sick of the corruption and will vote for that message. This is how we win enough political power to actually change things.

Hey I completely agree. I have been beating that drum here and on 22 for a long time.

One thing I think has happened though is that our side holds our side to a higher standard. Which you know is a good thing. But it is also how you get people like Al Franken resigning over a somewhat distasteful picture while the other side elects a president who is a rapist and loads up the SC with rapists. I think we do need to try and primary the fuck out of the establishment in the Dem party. I have said over and over and over that is the only possible way to actually accomplish anything. So I am with you on that.

And I don’t know what the solution is. Because I do wan’t our side to be a beacon of standing up for what is right and fair, it just seems like if you oust anyone with a skeleton in the closet well that is almost all of us really right? So there has to be some sense of scale to it. And some ability for people in our party to actually rehabilitate themselves if they want to.

a) Trump is POTUS and is making zero effort to even minimally reduce the amount of corruption in this country b) more importantly, he is blatantly and egregiously lying about the extent of Hunter’s corruption.

If Trump proposed legislation that would address this problem, I would wholeheartedly support it. But when he clearly is skewing the narrative so that people falsely believe that the most corrupt administration in history is fighting corruption when all he is really doing is selectively targeting opponents and grossly exaggerating their misbehavior (a staple in the authoritarian playbook), no, I see no reason to play along. But I can see why someone who deeply admires Tucker Carlson’s trolling ability such as yourself does.

I mean even worse, Trump is single handedly increasing the amount of corruption in this country on a scale maybe never before seen. Trump won’t ever propose legislation on this because that is literally the only thing keeping his family solvent.

I actually think Trumps blatant corruption is a good thing in the grand scheme of things. He’s making a lot of stuff that wasn’t obvious extremely obvious. There are still a lot of Americans who have bought into the propaganda that the game is fair and that everybody has a shot at making it big… when in fact that’s nowhere near true and hasn’t been less true since the gilded age.

He’s the loud decadent garish bit right before the whole thing collapses. This has all happened before and is happening again in front of our eyes. It’s a cycle. I’m looking forward to living the second 50-60% of my life in the aftermath of its collapse.

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There’s a difference between defending someone and saying the issues surrounding them are not at all important or relevant.

Except the issues of corruption and cronyism are important. They are relevant. People were rightfully pointing out Hunter’s cronyism when Trump was still hosting a game show.

SK, do you think Donald J. Trump has committed any impeachable offenses? If so, name your top 5. If not, why not?


pls go away Tom Steyer

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:clap: more :clap: Biden :clap: hate


Sure, and it was a fair attack that had a minimal impact. Then Trump tried to extort Ukraine to falsely accuse Hunter and Joe of criminal conduct, and made up all kinds of shit about them that was blasted on Trump’s also insanely corrupt propaganda network. Then most sane people decided that Trump’s behavior was the much larger problem here.

Also, other than some poster who said Biden should, “figure it out,” what exactly is he supposed to do about this?

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This is ridiculous. I genuinely didn’t know Hunter Biden existed until this Ukraine stuff, and I consider myself way more informed than your average voter.

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What is Biden supposed to do about this now? There isn’t much he can do other than not run.


Right. It’s a ridiculous thing to hold against him.

I mean he shouldn’t run for about 100 other reasons first. So this shouldn’t be the tipping point for anyone on Biden frankly.


Hunter Hunter got into good schools and got cushy jobs because of his dad’s name, everybody duck!