Who will run in 2020?

If HRC runs… she’ll get absolutely steam rolled by Ewarren and only take support from Biden lol.

HRC’s best shot is in the brokered convention. Still, she could announce and be a contender. Probably 10 million people are still with her. It was already her turn and then the Russians and BernieBros stole it from her. Only fair to vote for her now.

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Look at the comments on her tweet. She’s still got a lot of totally genuine support from morons.

Meanwhile in real life Warren is leading in national polls, Iowa, NH, and Nevada… and is rapidly gaining with the black voters she needs to win in SC even if she hasn’t gotten there yet.

I’m super annoyed that HRC doesn’t have the decency to stay out of the public eye though. She seriously needs to go hide in her shame hut going forward. Every time she participates in public life she helps the GOP.

She really obviously has massive narc tendencies. Nowhere near as bad as Trump, but she clearly can’t live without the attention. I seriously hate her for it. I genuinely think W is a better person than her because I’m somewhat certain that a) he wanted to do the right thing, b) thought he was doing the right thing when he did it, and c) realized that he hadn’t done the right thing after the fact and was incredibly sad about it. I also think this isn’t a high bar because W is still a massive piece of shit who was wrong about everything, but since that describes Hillary perfectly as well and a b and c absolutely do not apply she’s an even bigger piece of shit than he is.

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When you put it that way, run Hillary, run!

Nah. I’m not certain that a decent chunk of Warren supporters aren’t also HRC supporters. That second darker thought is what prompted my last post lol. That and my abiding forever hatred of HRC for being the person who lost to Trump and got us into this mess. In my opinion she’s more responsible for every awful thing he’s done than he is. The most true thing he says regularly is that he wasn’t even supposed to win in 2016. He’s 1000% right.




It moved.


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All warren fans should watch this video above :point_up_2:


Biden’s ahead according to this or what am I missing?

It almost takes an act of god to get me to watch a random youtoobe - but this is amazing. It’s like bizarro world where everything that’s good for people is bad for the world in general.

“Many of her policies are designed speficially to reduce corporate profits, and instead use those funds to benefit workers, the environment, those with lower income, and women and minorities.”


Minimum wage increase would hurt corporate profits? But I thought they just raise prices and pass it on to the consumer, or fire workers to make up the difference. What the hell? I don’t even know what is real anymore.

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You know I’m a Bernie fan but OMG! Having the 2 front runners being THIS Good is truly a dream scenario for us all… As I suspect whoever is the nom will take aboard the other in their Team.


Sanders ded :(


So Bernie will be campaigning as much as the others now Instead of all day every day?



dying is also super common for these folks. Bernie would have like a 22% chance of dying in his first term according to the actuarial tables.