Who will run in 2020?

Texts are most common, followed by phone and in person canvassing. Have received mailings from some candidates too.

Iā€™m actually kind of jealous. voters here are just completely zoned outā€¦while people in Iowa actually seem to pay attention and take their role as first in the country quite seriously.

The only time I ever feel like iā€™d want to live in Iowa is presidential primary season. lmao iā€™m a nerd

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Does the campaignā€™s name show up on the phone calls?

No, just shows up as whatever number theyā€™re calling from. I assume texts and calls are all just staffers or volunteers on their cell phones.

I was wondering as I get lots of calls but no names. I figure most are polls. I donā€™t answer any of them so I guess Iā€™m missing out.

Iā€™m with you but I work in a job where I have to answer numbers I donā€™t recognize so I end up receiving more of these than most I imagine. I also get lots of random calls with people speaking different languages, concerns about my credit card account, wrong numbers, etc.

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Iowaā€™s not so bad. Like most places itā€™s what you make of it. Itā€™s definitely more rural and small town than many would be used to but itā€™s also not the dead zone that the plains states to the west are.


Our first president, George Washington, famously could not tell a lie. President Trump seemingly cannot tell the truth ā€” about anything.

This isnā€™t just an academic exercise in political theory. A president who puts his self-interest ahead of the public good and the nationā€™s security poses a threat to the daily lives of every American.

While the House does its job on impeachment, Iā€™m going to stay focused on what matters: remaking education so every child in the country is equipped to succeed in the 21st century; getting weapons of war off the streets and ending the epidemic of gun violence; building on Obamacare so that every American has access to quality, affordable health care; taking on the climate emergency imperiling the planet; and much more. Iā€™m going to fight to ensure that the United States is once again the leader of the free world; a champion of democracy; and the bulwark of a stable, peaceful international order.

And to Trump and those who facilitate his abuses of power, and all the special interests funding his attacks against me: Please know that Iā€™m not going anywhere. You wonā€™t destroy me, and you wonā€™t destroy my family. And come November 2020, I intend to beat you like a drum.

lol i canā€™t wait for these debates.

Do you know who will destroy you Joe? You, thatā€™s who.

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Living in New England, I feel the same way about New Hampshire.

oh no baby, what you do?


LOL YANG. Get outta here.


Heā€™s made a whole lot of people dumber tooā€¦


The intersection between techbros and classic retail snakeoil salesmen is so uncomfortably close.

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pEtE bUtTiGiEg Is A cEnTrIsT cOrPoRaTe ShIlL

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ā€œAffordable Medicine for Allā€

Never change Pete.

its happening?


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Who would want Trump to do his job?

I wonder how much money HRC has on herself on predicit atm